1. Obedience

    Tuesday, October 8, 2013
    By johnny
    There are only 2 types of obedience: out of LOVE or out of FEAR.
    Same actions, but bear different fruits.

    God didn't say "it will make sense." He said "it will be worth it." I find myself going back and forth with Him because His ways just don't make SENSE, or sometimes I simply can't SENSE His presence. It's then that I realize when I ask for the presence of SENSE, my FAITH disappears, thus, the only requirement of God's work in display was robbed in exchange for "making-sense."

    I find this a great exercise to examine our relationship with Jesus. In John 14:15, He makes it clear to His beloved disciples that if they LOVE Him, they will obey His commands. Do we follow His ways because we know this brings Him tremendous joy or because we believe punishments are waiting as we cross the threshold of failure?

    Jeremiah 29:11
    I'm still figuring this whole thing out... and I don't think I'll ever get it figured out.
    But I'll keep on loving.

    SCC's song "Whatever". This came to my head as I was typing away...

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  2. Death is Where Life Begins

    Saturday, September 7, 2013
    By johnny
    Never have I attended two funerals in one day. Quite an experience.

    This 32-year-old young woman just started her very own Acupuncture Clinic back in April. And without a warning, she became very sick. After being diagnosed with leukemia, this beautiful lady, caring wife, and a loving friend got taken Home within 72 hours. The memorial service at the chapel was emotional yet filled with love and peace.

    A gentleman who has lived a life of influence, yet he spend the past year or so battling with his health. ICU has become a place the family hates to but must visit. I've seen him three times - twice in the ICU, and the third (and the last) time today. The smell of incense permeates the entire room, and the table filled with various fruits and paper-made cars and various worldly objects makes it quite an interesting place to be. He was 81.

    A thought came to my mind as I was on my way home.

    "What if I knew I had 32 years, or 81 years to live? Would I live my life differently?"

    Actually, the REAL question should be "HOW would I live my life differently?"

    The truth is (and you already know it) that WE DO NOT KNOW WHEN WE WILL DIE. It could be in 50 years, maybe in 50 days, 50 hours, 50 minutes, or even in 50 seconds. I'm started to understand the URGENCY of LIVING. To actually LIVE out the God-given purpose of this life... so there can be no regrets when I am about to see Him face to face. Now this seems impossible, but this could possibly be the most important mission of my existence. And I will walk the extra mile just to find it.

    We know that we're all dying.
    But do we know that we're actually living?
    You are reading this blogpost, which means that you're still alive.

    But what exactly are we living for? Fame? A better future? Riches? Power?


    I truly believe that to die for something is better than to live for nothing. Throughout history, time and time again, that people who changed the course of families, cities, and nations all had one thing in common: they would die for what they believe in, and they live everyday as if its their last.

    A couple days ago I was having a discussion with Shelly (my incredible girlfriend + a true lover of Jesus) on our very own definition of success. She had a much comprehensive list such as to be a caring daughter to her parents, a true friend, a supportive wife to her future spouse, etc. And I only came up with two things that I believe are success to me:

    1) To be a true son of God, friend of Jesus, and dwelling of the Spirit
    2) To be a true lover of my family and friends

    After much thought, I believe the definition of success is 3 words to me:

    To. Be. Faithful.

    I want my actions to be able to bring forth a tremendous impact & blessings for generations to come.


    Friends, what about you? If you only have 40 years to live, what would you have done differently to your life? I hope and pray that we all get to grab hold of the eternal and to anchor in the Truth.

    Maybe you're still searching for that purpose, that one thing you would die for.

    Start with Jesus. He will make your heart come alive. I promise.



    ps. Spend the next 6 minutes listen to this song, and really soak in the lyrics...

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  3. Me. Me. Me.

    Sunday, January 27, 2013
    By johnny
    There are times when you just have to sit back, relax, and think about LIFE.
    We tend to get too caught up with our daily routines, seasonal goals, or random thoughts that we miss the most important person we need to spend time with is ME.

    Me. Me. Me.

    After attending Simulcast 2013, my heart has been lifted up to a new level of faith, not just in the company, but in myself. As the youngest kid of the household, I'm accustomed to obeying orders and move with commands, yet I have, for the past few years, to step out of that "comfort" that was actually more of a bondage, a world that I ever knew existed.

    Rewind to September 2011. It felt just like yesterday. I knew a major "self-change moment" had arrived and I had to make a choice. The uncertainty in the air, the thousand voices in my head, and the hand-written lists of options in black and blue made the almost-gone-crazy me decide to hop back into the comfort that I later found out to be uncomfortable.

    For the entire year, I spent over 100 hours up in the air. During these 5 trips over the Pacific, I started to think about one thing: DEATH. It's one thing to hear a speaker talk about "living your today as if it's the last day here on earth", and it's completely different when this seed is planted in my mind and started to take ground.

    Fast forward to September 2012. At the end of my 10th flight across the ocean, I made a decision to pursue something that I will be willing to die for. I am not going to let anyone, or anything stop me from pursuing that dream.

    Ever since I made that decision, my life has been turned upside down, and my heart has been broken into pieces, and those pieces into smaller pieces for me to ACTUALLY SEE what is inside of ME. There is nothing more powerful than realizing that what is inside of me is actually made for GREATNESS and that my heart's ATTITUDE toward WHO I AM is of utmost importance.

    Just about everything in my life was in the air - new living condition, new responsibilities, new relationship, and a new business venture. At one point I almost wanted to quit everything and just ask God to start me all over again. This "law of process" was weighing on me and my heart was being expanded as time went on as I started to devour materials especially on personal development and leadership because I came to a realization that I can't have influence over others if I don't even have influence over MYSELF.

    In other words, Leadership is influence. I have to learn to lead ME. This is a season of leading me and applying everything I have read and heard upon MY-SELF.

    If I could summarize what I have been experiencing in the past couple months, this would be it:
    This season is about learning to trust in the Lord, trust in myself, and be a better leader of me.

    Sit back and spend sometime with yourself.


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  4. Trust

    Saturday, March 31, 2012
    By johnny

    The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed,
    A refuge in times of trouble.
    And those who now Your name will put their TRUST in You;
    For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.
    - Psalm 9:9~10 -

    It seems like there are two aspects of "TRUST".

    1) Trust means "to place confidence in, have faith in, and rely upon someone/something." When I sing songs about trusting in God, this is the type of trust I have in mind. I put my confidence in God, I have faith in Him, and I rely upon the Holy Spirit in whatever I do.

    2) Trust also means "to commit in one's care and to permit someone to do something without fear." It's easy to place confidence in someone or something. But to commit is another story. Commitment is another level up. It is trust on steroids.

    How do you trust in God?
    It is easy to trust in God when you see a miracle.
    But it takes commitment to trust in God even when you can't see what's ahead.

    Real trust requires commitment.
    God, let me run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.
    You have my permission to dwell within, so come and dwell.
    I trust in You.

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  5. 難得的中文post

    Thursday, March 15, 2012
    By johnny
    a long while since I last posted. I thought I'd be able to write a post once a week this year, but so far I have failed to do so because I've been just way too busy (excuses, excuses...)!

    it's been quite an interesting year, and my heart is yet to settle on a matter though it seems settled.

    yes, i'm talking about "security".

    the 8 weeks in Taiwan has brought me to another level of maturity. I've gained much experience in retail, management, marketing, and operations. 我看我來打個中文好了...

    從我出生以來 我真的好幸福
    也透過了信仰,找到了心靈的倚靠 & 生存的理由
    不然我看我也有可能成為漫無目的的毛頭小子吧 (ha)


    我是說... 不管我要做什麼行業,就是要向著標杆直跑

    我做了業務,跟每位顧客的互動成為我最喜歡做的一件事。不管有沒有配到眼鏡,我還是enjoy the interaction, 然後不管在任何時候都是很正面陽光的!管他刮風下冰雹!

    除非... 1) 在國外有JOB offer 或是當然 2) 在國外有LOVE offer
    註:目前小的都沒有 歐夫兒(offer)... 但也何嘗不想呢?(乾笑三聲)

    話說認真的男人才有魅力... (是嗎?)

    最後用Jeremy Lin最喜歡的經文來鼓勵一下自己好了

    不但如此,就是在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的;因為知道患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練,老練生盼望;盼望不至於羞恥,因為所賜給我們的聖靈將 神的愛澆灌在我們心裏。(羅馬書 5:3~5)

    Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;perseverance, character; and character, hope.And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. (Romans 5:3~5)

    Alright... I'll touch on "security" more in my next post.

    until then, stay focused, stay happy.
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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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