1. UCSD Day

    Friday, March 26, 2010
    By johnny

    Leni, Pauline, Tina and I @ Thai Paradise in San Gabriel, CA

    It was a beautiful day despite the cloudy and gloomy sky and weather.
    Today was the Special San Gabriel Valley Origin Seismic/Biosphere.
    After a quite filling tofu supreme meal @ Thai Paradise, we headed to the Santa Anita mall for some adventure and Jesus action. Feeling lazy and food-coma-y, they decided to sit down after buying identical shoes at H&M.

    But as we started walking again around the mall looking for people to pray for, my left shoulder started to hurt a bit, so I approached to the only two people (ladies) around us eating some fries. I went up and asked whether they have shoulder pain. Both of them said, "No." So when I was about to leave, one of them asked, "Why did you ask?" So I explained to them how God sometimes would give me physical pains to tell me that He wants to heal/touch someone around me who have that pain! And then she seemed surprised and said, "Yeah, my left shoulder blade would hurt every now and then because I had a car accident a while ago." So hello Jesus, the girls laid hands on her shoulder and prayed. She was definitely more in awe than encouraged haha... nonetheless Jesus showed up and thus boosted our faith for more.

    We kept on walking and we all wanted to see a leg grow out, so we approached these young people sitting by the bench next to Auntie Anne's Pretzels. And I used Tom's favorite line, "Hey I've heard of a research that 9 out of 10 people have leg length problems. Can we check whether your legs are even?" The girl, Lynn, said, "I think one of my legs is shorter. 'Cause sometimes I walk I would limp." (Awwww yeah) So we checked her legs and surely her right leg is about half an inch shorter than the left one. Long story short, her friends also saw her right leg grew out and they started to trip out! The guy, Eli, stretched his legs out but they were even... he was a bit disappointed haha... Anyhow, the girls went on and prayed and prophesied over Lynn while I shared about Jesus with Eli and other two girls who claim to be atheists. I got to really prophesy over Eli and call out his destiny and he told me that he wanted to go to the Navy and I told him that God will provide and open doors up for him to go. So that was all good and cool and natural.

    After saying our good-byes with them, we walked by a stand that sells various ties, and right as I passed by I saw a tie that says "On A Mission From God". So we all were pretty excited because we were on a fun treasure hunting mission. Later on Leni recalled that she had a dream of Brian Orme (representing Origins) in the exact same mall doing some writings about God's work at the EXACT SAME SPOT of the leg-growing right next to the pretzel shop! How crazy is that?

    I had the girls approach this lady on a wheelchair with someone assisting her in Hallmark store, and she turned out to be a believer who follows Jesus! She has been on the wheelchair for the past 15 years due to spinal cord injury which caused the immobilization of her arms and legs. She was diagnosed with breast cancer for the 4th time. However, she still believes that God has the power to heal her! It certainly has been a long and rough journey for her since cancer runs in her family and her brother who was a minister in downtown LA died of cancer last year. As we were praying for her, tears started to flow down her face and Jesus was touching her right there in the Hallmark store. She was deeply touched despite that she felt the same physically, however she wanted our emails and info so that she could send us updates! Leni and Tina felt a sense of hopelessness as they were praying over her, but we are believe that God is going to bring hope into the lady's life! We also found out that the girl who assists her to get around (also works for the lady) came from Kenya 12 years ago and she has definitely seen some "meaty" miracles. She will be returning to school in Cal State Long Beach soon! We all left Hallmark in awe of God's goodness and kindness.

    Last but not least. We saw this man on a wheelchair reading. by all these seating area. So we all sat down on these couches and awkwardly looked at each other and we started laughing. I suggested we do Rock Paper Scissor and whoever looses would have to approach the man on the wheelchair.

    Pauline lost. We all laughed hysterically. Oh well, I was nice enough to accompany the loser to approach the man. Motorcycle accident 28 years ago. Yes, twenty-eight years without moving his lower body below waist. This man works as a counselor for drug, alcohol, sex, or even technology addicts. He said that he was kinda observing us and he sensed so much joy and happiness (since Pauline lost) in our action. Working as a counselor he can detect sincerity in people, and he was deeply touched by our caring and loving approach and prayer. He believes in a divine and greater being, but not necessary Jesus. However, this man lives by so many Biblical principles and really knows what it means to live life to the fullest. I was deeply inspired by him and his words of wisdom. I wish I could just sit down with a random person and just listen and receive words of experience and wisdom. Jesus really delights in that man and I believe that one day He would draw him back to Him once again!

    So after dropping them off, I headed to Pasadena's "King Taco" to have a quick meeting with some of my favorite UCSD alums -- Victor, Robbie, and Maritha! Victor graduated last summer, Robbie and Maritha (getting married in August! woo!) both graduated two summers ago (2008). They all live around the area so I'm very glad that I can see them every now and then just to catch up on life and encourage each other. I love them with all of my heart. They are praising the Lord for what He's been doing at UCSD and seeing fruits starting to bear to them are super duper exciting! The fruits bearing today are the products of their laboring and sowing into the land with their cries for revival!!

    And there, Peter Gent, you have it. =)
    We missed you once again :P

    This is definitely one of the most memorable spring breaks ever because I get to spend the entire day hanging out with BOTH old and new UCSD warriors!

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  2. what is this

    Friday, March 12, 2010
    By johnny

    love that keeps chasing after me and puts smile upon my face and pours water to my ever-longing soul that has been crying out?

    i felt so much strength entered within since this morning when i spent a good thirty minutes with Him in front of a grand piano. an intimate tune came to me and I got to sing His song back to Him. it was a beautiful moment between heaven and earth.

    somehow He lifted me high up upon a rock and make me look down at those things bothering me for the past week. He is too good to me. He is proud of me.

    breakfast with potato, bell peppers, eggs, onions, mushrooms, and Bill Johnson. it was like a ten-star hotel complimentary breakfast. his message was speaking right to me at the right timing.

    The thing I’m least likely to do in the natural is what I’ll most likely to do the supernatural. If I wait to rejoice until I have joy, I would only have it in seasons, but if I rejoice to have joy, I can have it all the time. - Bill Johnson

    it's the same with resting for peace and strength. i need to learn how to be in a constant state of resting to have constant peace and renewing strength instead of resting because i am tired. man this is such a confirmation from Becca's prayer on monday's seismic. i feel like i'm getting it!
    listened to Cory Asbury's song "Mercy" over and over again and to my thirsty soul was fed living water. my strength was being renewed. i felt it in my spirit throughout the day. after studying i got to spent time hanging out with a friend who asked me something that completely caught me off-guard:

    'johnny, do you feel lonely?'

    '...yes.' i answered from the bottom of my broken heart. looking down at my slice of mini veggie deluxe pizza topped with avocado. it was glorious by the way.

    'i can never imagine you feeling lonely. you are Johnny! you are always so happy and joyful!' she was surprised. every time she sees me i am always upbeat and rejoicing.

    i was surprised by her response. 'it is not i do not have friends around me, but sometimes this loneliness cannot be cured by being with someone. it's more than just the need of wanting another person to be next to you and lend you an ear or a shoulder to cry on. i can still have that loneliness when i'm in a crowd, or even when i'm being goofy and funny. i guess it's more of an emptiness. an emptiness that God and only God can fill."

    i shared what my spirit has gone through for the past month and the struggle during the past couple days then i also shared my life story of how i came to know Jesus and how my faith has grown since. it is always refreshing to tell my story because once again i would remind myself of who He is and all the things He has done in my life. i love to share my Jesus stories.

    afterwards we prayed that the fear of the Lord would fall upon us and we just soaked in the presence of the King of Glory for a good five minutes. that was one of the most amazing soaking moments i have ever experienced. Jesus was in the room laying His hand upon our heads as we were in awe of Him. speechless. Fierce as a Lion and tender as a Lamb. how complex. how beautiful. how indescribable. and it was afterwards that my burden was all gone! as i listened to the same song by Cory, God's joy filled me and my heart came alive and i just wanted to shout Hallelujah and give Him back what He has given me -- His joy!

    i got home. and i danced for the first time in the longest time. i danced until i had to catch my breath. i gave Him my worship with all that i am, it was not merely jumping up and down and twirling around. it was dancing with nothing held back.

    the joy of the Lord is my strength!

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  3. Healing out of Intimacy

    This is the message that I need to read and hear again.

    My amazing friend, Tammy Dao, wrote on the matter of our motives of what we do in the presence of God.
    False Motives in Using the Presence of God
    Sept 3, 2009
    This morning God began convicting my heart for using His presence to build up my ministry. I would come into the presence to build up the power in my life so I can build up a good ministry. It was no longer about my heart longing for His presence but I would come so I would be strong when I pray for people. I would come into the presence to get the oil to heal people (Matthew 25:1-13). It sounds like a noble thing and an honorable thing (Psalms 24:4, Jer. 17:9) but the oil is for the preparation to meet our Bridegroom.

    It’s not about the power/oil with the fire, the earthquake, or the strong wind (1 Kings 19:11-12) but being able to even be content if He is calling you into the place of prayer for the rest of your life or even no one knows you (Psalm 27:4; Luke 2:36-38). He is so jealous for us. It’s about Him and us. It’s a scary thing thinking that He knows you because we may be deceived by the giftings of God (Matt 7:21-23) and use the power in the wrong way (2 Kings 2:23,24) that is not in accordance with God’s/Kingdom authority. Why does the power still come even though our hearts are in the wrong place? Because the gifting/calling of God is irrevocable (Romans 11:29)

    I believe that when we come to heaven, the ones that are most honored may be the ones we have never heard of who have been called into the hidden/secret place. Their calling is to minister to the Lord through prayer and worship, and they are impacting the world in the spiritual realm on their knees but no one knows them (except the ones in relationship with them). They are the ones that are helping purify the Church with Jesus through prayers agreeing with Him to do it (Ezekiel 44:23). They come into a loving partnership or a covenantal relationship with Him to do what they see Him doing (John 5:19). They take part of every part of His life and embrace the goodness of God and the cry of God. They take what most people want (ex: the joy of the Lord) and they take the part that most people don’t want (ex: the burden of God to cry for the nations). They are willing to take the cup of suffering and say, “Yes, I will do it again and again with you” and carry the cross to follow Him.

    When we begin to lose sight of His eyes and the personal relationship in our lives, we will begin to become tired of the work/ministry God has called us to. If we are not careful, we can build up a “successful” ministry with signs, miracles, and power but forget Him. We can work up a ministry and giftings that heal people, that can raise people from the dead, but our inner parts are dying. Or our “successful” ministry (ex: many people coming to the church) can just be a great “business” idea/plan but there is no breath of God upon it.

    The ones who have this kind of lifestyle with false motives, God will remove them from His sanctuary (Ezekiel 8,9 focus on Ezekiel 9:6; 1 Pet 4:17).

    We need to repent before God and ask forgiveness for USING the Holy Spirit and the anointing in the presence to further our ministry. He is a jealous God and He will not let His glory go to another.

    - Tammy Dao

    And then, yesterday, I saw this video of Bill Johnson pretty much sharing on the same matter, and it really shook my core foundation of my faith. I'm not building my faith on a rock but on sand.

    Thank You Jesus for still loving me despite I have, in one way or the other, used Your presence falsely. I want to learn to host You and not just use You when I want to. Here I am.

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  4. Vision

    Friday, March 5, 2010
    By johnny
    @Prayer Room today.

    I saw rain falling then the drops eventually turn into pearls. These are tears of the saints for the harvest, that the Lord is going to pour out. I fell like the rain upon SoCal last month was a preparation for fruits and harvest in the future. Something big is coming - eyes have not seen & ears have not heard! Let it come, Lord, let it come.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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