1. Me. Me. Me.

    Sunday, January 27, 2013
    By johnny
    There are times when you just have to sit back, relax, and think about LIFE.
    We tend to get too caught up with our daily routines, seasonal goals, or random thoughts that we miss the most important person we need to spend time with is ME.

    Me. Me. Me.

    After attending Simulcast 2013, my heart has been lifted up to a new level of faith, not just in the company, but in myself. As the youngest kid of the household, I'm accustomed to obeying orders and move with commands, yet I have, for the past few years, to step out of that "comfort" that was actually more of a bondage, a world that I ever knew existed.

    Rewind to September 2011. It felt just like yesterday. I knew a major "self-change moment" had arrived and I had to make a choice. The uncertainty in the air, the thousand voices in my head, and the hand-written lists of options in black and blue made the almost-gone-crazy me decide to hop back into the comfort that I later found out to be uncomfortable.

    For the entire year, I spent over 100 hours up in the air. During these 5 trips over the Pacific, I started to think about one thing: DEATH. It's one thing to hear a speaker talk about "living your today as if it's the last day here on earth", and it's completely different when this seed is planted in my mind and started to take ground.

    Fast forward to September 2012. At the end of my 10th flight across the ocean, I made a decision to pursue something that I will be willing to die for. I am not going to let anyone, or anything stop me from pursuing that dream.

    Ever since I made that decision, my life has been turned upside down, and my heart has been broken into pieces, and those pieces into smaller pieces for me to ACTUALLY SEE what is inside of ME. There is nothing more powerful than realizing that what is inside of me is actually made for GREATNESS and that my heart's ATTITUDE toward WHO I AM is of utmost importance.

    Just about everything in my life was in the air - new living condition, new responsibilities, new relationship, and a new business venture. At one point I almost wanted to quit everything and just ask God to start me all over again. This "law of process" was weighing on me and my heart was being expanded as time went on as I started to devour materials especially on personal development and leadership because I came to a realization that I can't have influence over others if I don't even have influence over MYSELF.

    In other words, Leadership is influence. I have to learn to lead ME. This is a season of leading me and applying everything I have read and heard upon MY-SELF.

    If I could summarize what I have been experiencing in the past couple months, this would be it:
    This season is about learning to trust in the Lord, trust in myself, and be a better leader of me.

    Sit back and spend sometime with yourself.


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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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