Problem Solver - Gideon

Saturday, February 7, 2009
By johnny
You all have heard the story, or maybe watched the movie about the 300 Spartan soldiers. Well, Gideon, a judge of the Lord, also had 300 soldiers against Midianites and Amalekites.

Background story:
Israelites were ranting again and complaining and crying out for God's hand. Gideon had 22,000 soldiers to begin with, but God gave him only 300 right before the battle. (It's only in the impossible situations that we would not glory ourselves when the battles are won.) The enemy in the valley were as numerous as locusts; and their camels were without number, as the sand by the seashore in multitude. (Judges 7:12) Then Gideon overheard a dream and the interpretation...

Here's the interesting part:

When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped God. He returned to the camp of Israel and called out, "Get up! The LORD has given the Midianite camp into your hands."... Gideon and the hundred men with him reached the edge of the camp at the beginning of the middle watch, just after they had changed the guard. They blew their trumpets and broke the jars that were in their hands. The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars. Grasping the torches in their left hands and holding in their right hands the trumpets they were to blow, they shouted, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!" While each man held his position around the camp, all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled.

-Judges 7:15~21-

Gideon our problem solver got into a similar situation as Joshua's, which also involved trumpets and shouting in the battling strategy against the city of Jericho. When Gideon got the confirmation, his faith was boosted up and nothing could stop him from that sweet victory because he saw the end result.

I'm feeling the same thing. Two weeks ago I read a dream and its interpretation, and now I'm declaring victory and blowing those horns and shouting my guts out because it's the Lord who fights on behalf of us!

It's only in the impossible situations that we would not glory ourselves when the battles are won. Come on! Raise your expectations! I pray for more confirmations on the breakthrough that is on the way to Impact!

Stay tuned for the next problem solver...



February 07, 2009 6:43 PM Brian

Word !! =) Preach it !

Also watched your healing testimony video !! DANG !! :) Jesus is alive and healing today !

February 07, 2009 10:00 PM Eric

very interesting poster. prepare for glory. original creators of "sin city". nice find.

blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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