Man I haven't been busy like this for a long while!
Got so many balls to juggle these past 2 weeks:
- Mission Trip:
flights, schedule, lodging, visa, passports, and vaccine shots (ouch!)
- My album:
contacting duplication companies, finishing up the artwork (woo!)
- Fundraising for Mission Trip:
is the album going to raise enough fund?
- My next year housing:
LORD, Let us get that gorgeous place!!!!!
- My music research paper which I haven't started:
Music that Heals Human Body/ Music Therapy
- Song Submission:
Collecting worship songs from all my friends: deadline around MID JUNE. I need to get cranking on my song writing!
- Pondering on Live Worship album sometime later in the year...
- Considering Double-Major in Economics and Music starting next schoolyear, going to talk with departments
- Register for Fall classes:
2 Econ classes, 1 Music class, and 1 Art class (PUMPED!)
- Music class reading...
I love reading it but I hate reading it at the same time... super LONG!
- My gorgeous MacBook Pro is starting to die on me...
need to clean this baby up and load her up with a new battery and a charger and get her back to slim, fast, and fit!
- Lakers vs. Nuggets. Kobe you better do your best!
- Economics never comes to my mind as much as the ones above... hmmm... =P
O Lord You have searched me
And You know me.
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your Presence?
If I go up to the heavens, You are there.
If I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
And You know me.
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your Presence?
If I go up to the heavens, You are there.
If I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
Wow. That is a lot to juggle. I would hate to be in your shoes. HA! But you're Johnny. You're going be more than alright.