Actually Healing: Around 2pm
Healer: JESUS
Healee: Kaitlin
This is actually my friend, who's friend of Kaitlin. He actually told me about her being healed cause I didn't know! Come on! Give Jesus A SHOUT! Below is their instant message chat @ 9:30pm tonight:
Kaitlin is my freshman friend who got her foot got super messed up two weeks ago. All of her plans went down the drains because of this one foot. She's on crutches and her foot is super bruised. She was in a lot of pain and even up till the point when Johnny (my super Jesus-loving friend) prayed for her. Johnny and Kaitlin probably never met!
Sorry. this is from facebook chat so it's kinda choppy.
Andy: HAHAHA ur friends with johnny now? i bet he prayed for ur foot ;);) :):)
Kaitlin: How did you know!? it was such a weird time too.I just got dropped off by my ride after my final and I was talking to this RA who is teaching me some Greek anywho...John shows up and asks if he can pray for my foot. so, I said sure but my friend was like: "Wait, you're going to do what!?!" and he kept questioning John really critically. and I feel like he was trying to "help me out" in a way or something. so I let them talk and I started praying for a miracle then because my friend said, "well, if your foot is healed...I'll become a Christian." and he went and played bball as I prayed with john. and You know how I cut off my brace a few days ago? well, I was in a ton of pain last night and today during my final but as John prayed for my foot...I felt all the pain foot was tingling
Well, the pain had been pretty bad, but when John was praying over my felt like my foot was tingling/vibrating, and I remember thinking...."Is this what a miracle feels like" cause that's a pretty cool feeling.
Kaitlin: I freaked out was weird I kept it better!?! and I wanted to test it you know. but I got nervous. I thought....great, what if I'm just really excited but I'm actually hurting my injury more so I asked for my crutches again.......I was just afraid that I wanted it so bad that i must be delirious or something!
Andy: wait. how is it now? does it hurt?!
Kaitlin: it's okay. no....but I just don't want make it worse! It didn't hurt I just felt really weak. I've been stretching the muscles a little but I'm just so afraid that I'll do something and it will really hurt/make matters worse. yeah, I want to try walking around the room again I think I need to pray for a while first in order to know. I just don't..ugh laskjdakjsdkfja
Andy: you just dont have the faith to believe that God healed you, huh
Kaitlin: I'll try....I'm just so nervous. I know. that's the hardest part. I felt so sure before this that He would heal me....and now, I'm just so afraid that I'm fooling myself. If at some point in the wee hours of the morning I am running around...I will text you
Kaitlin: If your foot healed and you still had to finish an essay....would you be able to finish the essay!?
This story just made my week.
Take that DEVIL! This is the real Jesus on UCSD people.
Come and believe in Him, there's still time!
STAY TUNED: Video Testimony.
Man now I don't want to study for my final exam!
crazy...God is wild...