If you cannot see that the bridge is not connected to the
other side and you cross it, then either you fall or you stop at the edge of falling and start rebuilding that broken bridge.

...to be in need.
sometimes we don't even know we need to be set free from old habits and bondages because either we are used to them or they just appear out of nowhere without our notice.
and I was set free when this lady, Auntie Sharon, felt led to minister to and pray for me Saturday morning. I got to her house at 10am, and after the praying and setting-free was done, it was 1pm. Somehow three hours flew by without my notice--when the presence of God is so strong, time and space disappear because the realm of God does not require them. I only heard about her, and she only knew me through listening to my CD and praying for Jack/Annie, but she had a burden to pray for and minister to me. Pretty much everything she said to me were dead on, and I was just so amazed by God's timing and the surprise meeting with Auntie Sharon. It was God's timing, the best timing. I needed this and the things I received were totally what I have been praying for and asking for!
make the three-hour holy chaos short in a couple sentences: When she started praying for me, I began to cry uncontrollably. She sensed that I had a lot of burden and pressure on my shoulder and in my chest, so she started to pray for freedom, and I started to cough (I was not sick) because all the junk that's in my chest started to leave. After all those good ol' inner cleansing, the Holy Spirit started to fill me up with joy as Auntie Sharon proclaimed that I am a Happy Worshiper. She also said something about music to the nations or something like that, but basically about a breakthrough in leading worship as I constantly worship the Almighty, Jesus, and Holy Spirt in the Throne room -- there I will receive revelation and know God's heartbeat. Then as I lead worship, I too can receive revelation and be tapped into the flow of the Holy Spirit much much easier because I know Him and He would entrust me to release what He has in mind to the people during a worship session. That is my ultimate heart's desire in worship, and I know it needs to start with my daily life because I simply cannot give something which I do not have.
lastly, I saw two vivid visions: First, I saw myself, in a baby form with diapers, climbing up stairs towards this beautiful, opened gate. Behind it is LIGHT and it is impossible to look through the almost-blinding light. I was climbing and knowing where I as heading to, with a big smile on my face; I was laughing also. So when I finally entered the gate, I simply disappeared in the LIGHT, which is the glory of God.
the second vision has some connection with a vision I had during summer camp: I was taken to the Weaponry Room, and around me were all kinds of swords and shields for battle. As I turned to the other side of the room, there stood many musical instruments that looked nothing like any instrument in the world. Each one of them looks like a combination of multiple (maybe 5 to 8) different instruments. I wonder what they sound like, but the size of those instruments were fairly big because they make loud sounds I believe.

so on Saturday I saw a vision of a sword -- it looks like a regular sword for close-up battles; however, there are buttons on the hilt (the handle) which, after pressing them, cause the sword to "shoot sound" or "attack with sound waves". I found this "music sword" on google image; it's a children's toy and it has buttons on it that makes different sound and light on the sword... totally awesome! And the second picture is a guitar with a shape of a sword!
see the connection between those two musical weapon visions? I believe when worship music is played, angels would start picking up those musical weapons and begin to wage war with the enemy in the spirit realm, and we know the outcome already, so that'll make our job much easier =D
oh yes, towards the end of the prayer, she also saw me laying hand on the sick and see them healed! Hey how's that for an awesome confirmation =D Come on!
during David Nyquist's sharing on saturday night, I was so blown away by his words because many of them are pretty much what I received in the morning with Auntie Sharon! So there ya go, confirmation is God's way of telling me "hey you, pay attention, this is pretty important". And I am expecting more confirmation in the days to come! But for now, I just want Jesus and Jesus and Jesus, nothing else.
whether you play an instrument or not, we're all in this together. When you sing, dance, paint, tap, or play an instrument to praise God and give Him glory and honor, you are a soldier in the army of God!
so, Holy Spirit, I want to be filled up and charged up like never before... and help me to be sensitive of what You are doing when I hang out with You every day! Breakthrough, I am coming!!!
wonderful sharing, bro.
you are a chosen generation. happy worshipper, where can i sign up?