Q: What can you do on Halloween night?
A: Go and pray for people! =D
12 of us were split into three groups.
Enoch, Alice, Kay (who turned 16), and I encountered this dude, JAMES, with a sling over his shoulder. He, a high school sophomore @ St. Francis High School, injured his left collar bone playing football. Alice prayed for him first. After the prayer, the pain was lessened by a little. So I shared a testimony to encourage him and told him that Jesus was healing him so let's pray again! After the second prayer, the PAIN WAS GONE and he took off his sling to start move around his left arm and held it way up high -- and it hurt just a little bit. So we only had one choice -- pray AGAIN! And surely enough, Jesus took away all his pain, and that guy left with sling in his hand, smiling and thanking Jesus for healing him from pain!

We had many things on our list, and mine was "BLACK BASEBALL CAP with a P on it". We went into the only hat store in the mall, which definitely would have some black caps with P's! As we entered in, this friendly salesperson approached us. I told him, "We're actually doing a treasure hunt and we're looking for someone who wears a black cap that has a P on it." He then lowered his head, and lo' and behold -- the BLACK CAP with a yellow P is on this guy's head! His name is Ben, and he's 21. So I told him that he was our treasure and God wanted to tell him something (which I did not know at the moment...). But then I started to tell him that God is pleased with his faithfulness, and he is faithful at what he does, and God would provide him because he remains faithful. For real, I did not know what I was talking about, and I felt like I was just repeating the same thing over and over.

So I asked him if any of the things I said make sense, and he said, "Yeah it made total sense!" We were all rejoicing and praising God; even the more, he told us that he is the YOUTH LEADER of his church and he needs God's provision and favor in this season of stepping up into his calling! We felt really connected with this guy and we all prayed and prophesied over him, and invited him to join us when we go out and do s'more treasure hunting!
ohhh just one more thing... he actually is an alumni of St. Francis High School, the school which JAMES, the guy who got healed, currently attends! Hmm.. maybe God's doing something over there! Come on! Jesus showing up on Halloween night! Too cool!
ps. by the way, Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT is THE BOMB. Makes me wanna dance and sing during the whole movie. I am truly inspired by this musical legend.
Great stuff man! keep up the great work! I'm from Malaysia and our Church officially started doing treasure hunting for the first month. Thanks for being such an encouragement! You're making God look cool and that is inspiring! :) Bless you all in the States!