Dreams & Visions
Jeff passed the Writing 4 Retard course! Congrats bro!
I stayed up writing a 2-page paper. Pretty alright. Anyhow, at around 4ish my roommate Sal started to cough quite heavily in his sleep. Immediately the Lord reminded me of what happened 5 months ago on Oct 1, 2007:
Awaken by Sal's severe coughing. If you know me, I don't usually wake up during sleep. A deep sleeper I am. So I started to struggle...Cuz I felt like God wanted me to give him some water and pray for him....Oh Lord, I know I should get down from my bed and go give him water and prayer....anyhow, I did it! Then I couldn't fall asleep and started to pray to God for visions and revelations and suddenly these three words came into my mind: sex, drug & alcohol. Don't know whether God's telling me to pray for these specific people who are addicted to either of the three. I asked God for a confirmation soon...finally went back to sleep at 4:30. It wasn't Sal who woke me up, it was Jesus.
God reminded me of that night again, so I went to Sal and did the same thing. And so far he hasn't coughed! Praise the Lord! As for the second part of that diary, I've never had any burden to reach out to those specific people who are addicted to those things that the Lord gave me. And because of that I started to ask God to show up in my daily life!
Here's the crazy part. So after I prayed for Sal tonight, I felt like reading that day's diary. But before I even reached for my notebook, the Lord gave me a revelation. A profound one. finally after 5 months I finally realize something. And it all happened tonight! Keeping it a secret as of now. It was totally God =)
Time for bed. It's 7am. Need to get up at 12 and submit paper.
Joseph. A great dreamer.
A BIG one indeed.
I actually had a dream two nights ago.
And here it is:
So I came up with an idea to connect two cars into one--right by the wheels like there's a bar that connects the tires so that right now two cars become one.
Enoch was controlling the speed in the car on the right, while some one was driving in the left car(someone from impact...Eric, maybe?)...
And then randomly I showed this concept to a designer, but the designer said that people have come up with this kind of idea...but I said no one tried to make it happen!
I know that I'm on the right car, and Jeff(i think) is on the left car.
that's my dream. 031708
"We both had dreams," they answered,
"but there is no one to interpret them."
Then Joseph said to them,
"Do not interpretations belong to God?..."
-Genesis 40:8-
"I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh,
but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires."
-Genesis 41:16-
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
-Joel 2:28-
Lord I still believe. 5 More Days.
Rooted & Grounded in Love.
Give me interpretation!!!
johnnyyyy. thanks for reminding me of that verse. i will keep getting bolder! yes yes. and you should keep inspiring us. dreams! everyones been having dreams lately. me like. i wanna know the revelation! :D well. i can wait. muahahahaha. i bet it's gooooooood.
jas -
i remember how i got so sick last quarter and i couldn't stop coughing, it was so bad that i couldn't sleep at all...neither could my poor roommate, of course she paid me back with her boyfriend's SUPER loud symphony of snoring few weeks later...XDD
wow, you guys gonna bombard the campus with love tent every quarter?? AWESOME! God let us have that on our campus! -
OOh. keeping secrets now are we? Teasing us with the idea and not revealing it? just great. HAHA! joking. You keep dreaming!
live a dream life. yep you're doing it. hm
Youtube Ron Paul. -
Love Tent every quart! That's so awesome!! =D UCR needs to press on... frustrated.Please pray for our campus.
UCSD will revive. Just because you are hungry enough that God HAS and MUST come.
Keep dreaming!
I'm on my spring break already.
Add oil John!