Good Stuff....

Thursday, March 13, 2008
By johnny
Here's the update about yesterday at PC & YOPP:

We played Aswan North's music for like 40 minutes. Man I felt the anointing from his songs and all of us felt so peaceful and gentle, unlike the couple times before--heavy and stressed out! We knew that God was moving in the atmosphere! Go check out Aswan's music--it's under Mighty Sites! He's become one of my favorite artists!!
Anyhow, Speach basically rocked the campus!! He started to speak prophetically into random people's lives, and they were just there having lunch!!! XD....God was right there touching people's heart through words of encouragement and edification! Come on! We were all laughing with joy because God just showed up like that! And by doing so, not only those who got prophesied were encouraged but also the rest in PRice Center who were really tentative at what was going on! They would see whether God really spoke through us =)
And then I was playing djembe with Jon who then played and sang. While we were right there worshiping, Speach and Grace went up to this guy with crutches and a skateboard. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I started to pray for healing and restoration. I was watching this right with my eyes: that guy, after being prayed for, TOOK OFF ON HIS SKATEBOARD with both his CRUTCHES ON HIS HANDS!!!!! I was like....... wwwwwwwwwhhhhhhat!!!!

We all started to prophesy over each other. I had to leave early so Eddie, Speach, Gordon, and Victor told me many things that I've known and many that I would never think of! I recorded the worship down so I'll put them up here sometime soon!

Walking back to Revelle and asked God to give me a sign/picture so that I can pray for someone. Right after I closed my eyes I saw GREEN SHIRT & GLASSES. So I was like....uh mmmmkay. I looked around, and guess wwwwhat? There he was, with green shirt(exactly the same color I saw in the picture) and glasses, walking speedily. I had to RUN in order to catch up with him lol... Anyhow, so I asked him whether I could pray for him, and he said sure! His name's Thomas, and he's from ARCADIA(!!!!!!!!!!AHS '04). He's also a believer and trying to raise $3,000 by the end of April so that he can go on a mission trip to southeast China! Come on! Too bad he was at a rush to class so we chatted just for a little while but I got his number!! Sweeeett....

He such a great guy. I need to start hanging out with him. He saw me today and showed compassion toward my family. I then told him my conviction and he then prayed for me. Bryce is an awesome guy who's going to be used in a significant way toward this school's revival. I'm praying that God would keep on revealing His plan for him to him!

I love their new serie: Seeking Justice.
Today was the last sharing of the serie, and the speaker is a very succesful, retired lawyer who's been impacting the world through this org called Restore International. Basically he told us these completely crazy stories about how his three children wrote letters to all the presidents, prime-ministers, and kings in EVERY COUNTRY possible, simply saying this:
Hi, we are the Goff family and we live in San Diego. We just want to invite you to have a sleepover at our house. If you cannot, then can we stay over at your house and interview you?
Sincerely, ______
How crazy was that? But guess what? 29 of all the responses came back with YES, you can come over! So they went to the middle east--Israel, Palestine, Egypt.....or something like that. And they gave those political giants the same token: a key--the key to their house in San Diego! That's just so CCCCRAZY! Bob Goff said a real good point: How to use our position as "nobodies" to make a big influence? Go and think about big dreams and start DOING it. I have so much respect for this man--rich yet humble. Annie, you would have run up to him and given him your business card =)

IN-N-OUT Run--
Hung out with Jeff and his two friends: Susan and Tae. Laughed a lot. Keeping them in my prayers.


ps. Had some tuna + lettuce + mayo + tomato + cheese sandwich....yum....


March 13, 2008 3:17 AM Sarah Wang

God! Keep amazing us everyday!! XD


March 13, 2008 10:49 AM [joy B.] doveseye

love reading your blog,johnny.

March 13, 2008 11:05 AM Sarah Wang

Hey!! I was very tired ok?? T_______T
2 finals today, 1 tmr... dying.


March 13, 2008 3:23 PM Cheezy

Tuna is good. And so is the stuff in your blog. keep testifying!


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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