I will never forget Banning's word from last year's Jesus Culture. We need to dream big again! Yes, on the first day @ Yi Lan with many many family friends (17 of us total!), we went on a ferry, got to cruise by the famous Turtle Mountain Island right off the shore of Yi Lan, and hoping to see some dolphins or whales.
Too bad, the Lord only brought us some beautiful sky and cloud, and also some skipjacks (flying fish) passing by. Those were pretty spectacular--the fish jumps off the surface and flies for about 50 meters in the air before it dives back in! Nonetheless, it was pretty darn cool.
Got myself all wet from head to toe because during the second half of the ferry ride, we had to sail into a storm in order to get back to shore. I was out there while most of the people went inside to hide from the rain. I gotta say, God is such an amazing Creator! I even sang "Still" in that storm (I know...at such a moment, right?...I just had to, ya know.).
I'll be updating some pictures of my 2nd week in Taiwan.
I love this land, and I praise the Lord for Taiwan!
Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters!
-Genesis 1:2-
Got bitten by thousands of fish today! Pretty cool, but it was sooooooooo itchy! This was really a once in a lifetime deal. Never have I got "eaten" by fish. Basically what they eat from our feet is the outer layer--the dead skin. It always has been ME who's EATING the FISH. Y'all should come to Taiwan and give it a try. Really fun stuff and you will never ever forget =)
God's funny. I love that.
hahaha worship in the rain is just awesome! God gives us a heart that we wanna worship Him whenever/wherever! i usually sing during classes....hahaha (不過很小聲啦...不然怕被趕出教室= =!)
i want my dead skin to be eaten by fish too.....so i dont have to 去角質 XP