Radical Jam

Monday, June 9, 2008
By johnny
...true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. -John 4-

There's no negotiation with the Lord when it comes to worship. MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth. Lord I come before You with my heart broken and ask You to take away the dirt and fill the spot with Your Spirit. I want to be able to come before You blameless, holy, and righteous--which I know is also possible through repentance. Once again Lord I burn those filthy dirt and junk up to You, for this is the day You have made, and all things are new again. Lord I come before stripped to the bone, with nothing to hide. Lead me not into temptation. Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

Jesus I love You. Thank You for letting me focused on work.
Please remind me constantly of my duties.
I want to glorify You in school work.
I believe Your favor is upon me and I am blessed!


ps. Radical Jam is the most amazing band in the world! And I'm saying this because I know and I see the power that is being built and unity that is being sought after which will cause the heavens to rend and the earth to quake. And our worship will be yet another step closer to the worship in heaven! If His Kingdom is here, then our worship here on earth is THE SAME AS IN HEAVEN! I love you all with all my heart. Even though I don't usually say that on my lips, I really do. I really respect and honor each one of you and the importance of your positions in RJ. And our mission is this: RADICALLY WORSHIP, SEEK, and LOVE JESUS IN ONE ACCORD.

Sometimes we all get frustrated because we can feel that
the "vibe" is not there yet or it's not quite together, but I can assure you 300% that God's going to show up because His people are singing His praise and shouting His Name--How would a Father not come when His kids are crying, ya?

I have to admit that it is hard for me to critique our wo
rship, but thank the Lord for Annie who's oh-so-motherly leading and pulling and guiding us to be on the right track because after all, we have a job assigned--both from the Lord and Impact. And we are, as a team still in its premature stage, growing in a good soil, being watered on a constant basis, and being exposed to the sun regularly. Sometime I feel like, "God, why don't I feel unity? Why don't I feel Your presence?" I actually asked Him this afternoon when we were singing Stir Up the Flame. And once again He reminded me of what Jack said, "if you ask for unity, would God just BAM and give you unity, or would He create opportunities for you to be closer and united?"

I come before all of you-- Annie, Andy, George, J, Sarah, Kay, Eric, and Abby-- and ask for your forgiveness of all that I've sinned against you, whether they were subtle or obvious. I don't want
to be up there playing with uncleaned hands, mind, and heart. Again I repent before my beloved brothers and sisters and the Lord for my pride--and pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18). And I also need to learn more about patience and love. And being in a band really has taught me a lot about team work; right now we all gotta learn more I think is how to maximize our potential yet work together as a solid group, creating one sound.

This morning when we did that spontaneous song, I really felt like we're coming close to finding our own sound! Keep digging and exploring the world of notes and chords, and I have faith to say that we will find our position in style and our own "sound" by the end
of this year.

All in all, I love you all very much. It's a privilege and honor to work with y'all because y'all are going after what I'm going after: Jesus. And that's gonna be awesome. Let's keep on giving our best to God, which also means to discuss and critique and reposition and adjust volumes-- cuz I believe we are going after PERFECTION, and show God what we've received from Him with our best ability! It's not really about how talented we are per say, but I know y'all believe that God deserves the perfect praise because He is perfect and He's made us perfect just like Him!

I guess that's enough for now. Time for bed!




blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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