Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
and under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
and under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Something came to me: God's got feathers and wings! So? Well, I don't know, I thought that's a good point to make. Why don't I have feathers and wings if I'm created in His image?
Well, I guess I gotta take that one up with the Creator.
Anyhow, back to the verses. In this season of prayer and to close to His heart, we need to just come before Him on our knees and be like Mary. And it is always encouraging to know that we are made to live out a victorious life ever since the moment we are born again. And that we have Eternal Insurance Card given by this God who has feathers and wings (I'm still not over with this...lol)! I think that's pretty rad.
So now you're in the fortress, you've got a pass to enter. And what comes with the entry pass is protection under the shadow of His wings and being covered by His feathers. Moreover, we are given a shield as we cling on to His faithfulness. So as we keep on saying, "GOD YOU ARE FAITHFUL and I THROW MYSELF UNTO YOUR FAITHFULNESS," we are equipped with SHIELD.
Okay, stay tuned for the next two verses....
On a side note: I emailed our "M-Daddy" Mark Hendrickson for a quick update of what's been going on here @ Impact and he sent back a great response and encouragement for all of us:
You are my hero!!! I love your reports and the way you convey your heart and life! Thanks!
Well, sounds like a whole lot a shaking's going on!
Strange stuff about your church building. Obviously, you've been pushing the law, so it's not exactly a surprise. Well, May the Lord give you clear direction through this new development. I know there's a way that the Lord can make that will be blessed and good for all. Where is it, Lord??? Help! We need Your help!!! Will you show the path that will take Impact into Your perfect will for the building location?!?! Amen!
I love the pics. Annie is really showing now. I'm excited.
Yeh, Luke said you hooked him up with this Uganda guy. Really cool. You are the big time networker now!!! :-) Good job! He and John were talking yesterday about the details and people that will be helping on the project. And are looking forward to coming out to LA soon.
SO, there you have it. That's all for now!
Lotsa love
You are my hero!!! I love your reports and the way you convey your heart and life! Thanks!
Well, sounds like a whole lot a shaking's going on!
All I can say right now is, Stay close to Jesus. The smaller and simpler you can get, the better. The closer you can get means the more secure you'll be during the shaking.
Strange stuff about your church building. Obviously, you've been pushing the law, so it's not exactly a surprise. Well, May the Lord give you clear direction through this new development. I know there's a way that the Lord can make that will be blessed and good for all. Where is it, Lord??? Help! We need Your help!!! Will you show the path that will take Impact into Your perfect will for the building location?!?! Amen!
I love the pics. Annie is really showing now. I'm excited.
Yeh, Luke said you hooked him up with this Uganda guy. Really cool. You are the big time networker now!!! :-) Good job! He and John were talking yesterday about the details and people that will be helping on the project. And are looking forward to coming out to LA soon.
SO, there you have it. That's all for now!
Lotsa love
As you can kinda tell from the last part of the email, that Luke and John are coming over! Stay tuned for the dates....muhahahaha
AAAND! One last thing. I saw Pastor "J-T" Jeff Taguchi on facebook so we chatted and he told me some real encouraging stuff in Hong Kong and in Taiwan: they are praying to buy an abandonned Nazarene school in Guan-Du, Taiwan, and below the school is actually the Guan-Du Temple! The strategic location of that school is right on! Praise the Lord!
And after I shared with him what's been going on here, he pretty much responded like Mark did: to stay close to the heart of God. He also encouraged us to approach our neighbor and see what exactly is the problem and meet his needs and share the love of Jesus with him. Only two things will happen when the need is met: 1) He won't bother us and/or 2) He will receive Jesus into his heart. I know what Jeff's talking about, and I believe God can do that because it's He who changes the hearts. Jeff is very excited for us and the opportunity for all of us to gather for prayer during such a time as this!
And after I shared with him what's been going on here, he pretty much responded like Mark did: to stay close to the heart of God. He also encouraged us to approach our neighbor and see what exactly is the problem and meet his needs and share the love of Jesus with him. Only two things will happen when the need is met: 1) He won't bother us and/or 2) He will receive Jesus into his heart. I know what Jeff's talking about, and I believe God can do that because it's He who changes the hearts. Jeff is very excited for us and the opportunity for all of us to gather for prayer during such a time as this!
We just need to stay close to Jesus and ask Him what He's got in mind! What is Your plan Jesus???? We need Your help!!!!! It's time to break that alabaster jar and kneel at His feet!
ps. Just watched some good Kris Vallotton video on Youtube talking about the same thing. Real short and sweet.
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