Richard Dawkins, for those who don't know, is one of the foremost voices in both the scientific and atheist community against the idea or existence of God. Dawkins has a mega-best seller book called the God Delusion in which he contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that belief in a personal god qualifies as a delusion, and that parents teaching their children Christian principles is child abuse. Dawkins and his crusaders, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens on the 30th of September 2007, sat down under the banner of the four horsemen, all four authors have recently received a large amount of media attention for their writings against religion. In this conversation the "four horsemen" tell stories of the public’s reaction to their recent books and they discuss their questions of what to do about religion today, and propose their ideas for new strategies to make war against God. The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is a term used to describe four horsemen that appear in the Bible in chapter six of the Book of Revelation. The verses traditionally describe the four horsemen as Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death.

Biologist Richard Dawkins is also one of the most outspoken members of the New Atheist movement, a movement that only a few years ago started a Blasphemy Challenge in which it encouraged young atheists to make a video of themselves performing the ‘unforgivable sin’ (which Mark 3:28-29 refers to as “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”), post it on YouTube, and as a reward for “selling their soul,” they would win a copy of Flemming’s anti-religion documentary, The God Who Wasn’t There. Not long ago, Dawkins also produced a two-part film series for BBC entitled ‘Religion: The Root of All Evil?’ The list goes on and on, even his noted scientific achievements, reak of egotistical humanism and epitomize everything evil in evolutions history of trying to establish ones self above the rest (survival of the fittest).

His most notable achievement, is his coining the term selfish gene. In 1976 Dawkins wrote a book called, Selfish Gene, on evolution. It builds upon the principal theory of George C. Williams's first book Adaptation and Natural Selection. Dawkins is on a crusade to lead the progressive darwinist to the next level of scientific brutality against Christ and His followers. Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pott, and Adolf Hitler were not justified by their religion, they were justified in the killing of millions of innocent people, by their science. With scientists, pastors, priests, atheists, Christians and the masses being brainwashed and indoctrinated by these "New Atheists", it is only a matter of time before we begin to see the brutality of their ideologies unleashed. The collision course is being set, are you prepared?

Should we fear them or their ideologies of death? Absolutely not! Was Jesus afraid of Rome? Absolutely not! Jesus overcame the world and promised we also would overcome the world. Jesus promised us persecution and trials, saying, "if they hated Me, they will hate you also." The Church has grown exponentially during times of great testing and trials, now will be no different. We are headed for one of the greatest hours of the Church. Prepare yourself through prayer, fasting, and seeking the face of God.
And so we were there in the third row, right in front of Dawkins. At the end of his lecture on "there is simply no purpose to anything" there was an Q&A session. So some of us went up and asked him what he view on Eugenics and Secular Humanism is, and to repent and accept the love of Christ into his life. Dawkins mocked Eddie with "yawn, yawn, yawn" as he asked him about the millions died in the name of Secular Humanism and Eugenicism. And the entire room of atheists and humanists mocked and laughed at us as we stood and showed the love of Christ. There were actually 10 questions during Q&A, but they stopped the Q&A because we were asking questions. The room was about to explode.
And after the lecture we went outside and saw some brothers/sisters worshiping outside, and they told us that an atheist just got saved and they were praying for him! It was such an encouragment to all of us, and I believe that's so worth the stand! I heard that brother who just got saved said something like "as I saw you guys were up there and we were all down here laughing, I couldn't help but to think 'what are we doing?'" I'm super encouraged to see immediate fruit from our little stand! And I'm still believing for Richard Dawkin's salvation! Amen!
God is so good and Jesus saves.
You guys rock. Awesome post.