The argument is quite clear: cell phones are cuffing workers to more work.
Special Thanks To:
Eric Wang - brainstorming
Jeff Kuo - got hand-cuffed
UCSD Police Dept (I literally called them up and told them that I need a picture of handcuffs! I mean, what else do they usually do at midnight anyways?)
I don't want to stop burning.
I really don't want to.
Just spent 1.5 hours with Jesus at Revelle Plaza.
It was pretty awesome. I haven't been spending time with Him, and tonight I knew I needed to get back on track with Him. Because after all, I can lose my ministry or what I do, I cannot cease loving Jesus. And I felt like I haven't been doing that much lately.
Listened to Misty's Relentless-Unplugged all the way through, praying in tongue most of the time (haven't done that for a while either). And the Lord had me meet a guy passing by named Victor. He's this awesome African American dude, who saw me walking back and forth with headphones plugged in, came to me and asked me whether everything's alright. I told him I was praying, seeing him holding a Bible. I told him about YOPP and invited him to come to our open-air worship tomorrow at PC. He goes to a non-denominational church around San Diego; moreover, he was so excited to hear that there are people believe in prophsying like him on this campus too! Thank You Jesus for this divine connection!
I just kept on praying in tongue and wanting more of Him. As I was listening to the song "Matthew 25", I was broken because I realized that I'm acting as one of the foolish virgins, wanting to burn but forgot the oil. The song came in at the right moment. I don't even want to fall asleep. I want to be alert and free of temptation of falling asleep inside. I need to be constantly reminded to buy more oil, if my desire is to burn and burn and burn. I need A LOT of oil.
Yesterday at YOPP Eddie, Jeff, and Victor told me how I'm just so on fire for God and ready to burn at any moment. I was encouraged, but inside I was questioning myself. How can I burn ceaselessly? I want fire in my bones; even more, I desire to infect others with my fire. Am I doing it? And Matthew 25 is the solution to my problem, answer to my question. God, it's really all about the oil. Once again I was reminded of the importance of intimacy with Christ.
Then I saw Heather, Kathy, and Eunice -- who all serve at Intervarsity's Dorm Team. They asked me whether everything's alright and they offered to pray for me. So I shared a bit about how I need to be filled up before I can go and give, and how I need to find the perfect balance between working for the Lord and school work. They were very encouraging and Heather prayed for me. It was an awesome prayer.
Kept on praying in tongue. I'm reminded of one of Jack's sermon on speaking in tongues -- he said what do little children speak before they talk? "blah bleh blah blah." So I suppose I gotta get back to that place of innocence and intimacy with my lovely Father on a constant basis. Who wouldn't want to be a kid again, right?
Tomorrow's going to be great.
Lord I once again pray for an open heaven above UCSD!
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
-Psalm 23:5-
I like that. Spending alone with Jesus.