For the past 4 years, I've been told that this is the greatest time of the history. It took me four years to realize why -- the latter days shall be greater than the former days. And surely it is: this outpour in Florida is being broadcast all over the globe through TV and Internet! 214 countries & over 130 million homes. Never have we had such a measure of revival -- it's so widespread that NO ONE CAN IGNORE BECAUSE GOD IS USING TECHNOLOGY TO BRING HIS GLORY TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH!!!!
Here are Todd's words on Friday night:
“...God is ushering in a ‘new season of the teaching and revelation of the world’! After that, another new season is coming to the Body of Christ, that will shake the whole world! It will be the greatest outpouring of the miracle healing power of God that the world has ever seen! At times, they will not be able to lay hands and pray for people as we did… one at a time… but they will just speak the word to all the multitudes of the deaf and blind… and their ears will pop open and their blind eyes will open… with no man touching them! Even eye balls will be created! Missing limbs and organs created! Creative miracles of restoration of body parts… even the dead raised!
God is going to raise up a great army of true apostles and prophets. They will have the end-time anointing upon them. And they will rise up and bring healing to the nations! There will be times that such large crowds will come to the mass meetings, that no tent, no auditorium, will be able to seat the people! The prophets of God will not just about future events, but they will have the divine mind of God, and become the very oracle of God! And they will speak with such authority that their words will be the words of God Himself. What ever they say… God will create it… for His Glory! This will be the greatest move of God of all time. It will usher in the coming of the Lord!”
I really enjoyed tonight. I always tear up when I watch the revival going on in Florida. Two reasons: 1) I was touched by God's massive love and great power to heal and restore and 2) I was also crying for the fire to fall upon Southern California. I believe tonight's little prayer meeting with these 20 young people will rend the heavens and shake the earth. Our one-on-one prayer closet with the Lord is definitely a NECESSITY, however I think the time has come when masses will gather and pray corporately because they felt the URGENCY.
Peeps, I believe NOW is the time and bind ourselves to prayers -- both personal and corporate. When we start praying, we will be stripped down to the bone and laid bare with nothing to hide. If the body of Christ needs to be purified, then every single cell in that body should be cleansed too: NO VIRUS ALLOWED. I believe revival starts with desperation and urgency. If this is the "Fifth Great Awakening" as it was prophesied, then what we need to know how to keep this movement going and not let the fire die down. I believe tomorrow many will get visions from the Lord about the revival to come here in SoCal. Lord, we prophesy to the dry bones! Go Church Go! We call forth the dead bodies from the grave!
Time for dreams!
*nodds* i enjoyed it too. such touching things happened! xD yes! let it come to SoCal! i am tired.... how was church?
peeps, eh?