For those who believe that open air worship can change the atmosphere of any place, then they'll love what I'm about to type.
PART 1 --
YOPP, after 8 weeks of silence, finally got back to Price Center for the first time this quarter, with brand new sound system (God's grace)! Got a keyboard set up, a bass, an acoustic guitar, and a djembe.
We usually set up our stuff on the center of the plaza, but today we saw a stage set up on the corner of the plaza with no one using it! So we asked the person in charge of PC and he said that we can use that stage FOR FREE!! The stage is usually $300 dollars for rent, but the Lord gave it to us!!
Grace on keyboard and vocal, Jon on acoustic guitar, and Gordon on bass. And in this one hour of live worship, the presence of God started to fall and we saw many people tearing up for no reason, and they were guys! I just felt so much peace and glory right there. We didn't preach, we didn't yell, we didn't share any testimony, we just worshiped Him. And that was the focus today. And that's enough to touch souls and open hearts. I can't describe how tangible God's presence was today in Price Center. Beautimous.
Prayed for 2 left wrists and 1 left ankle.
All of them were really encouraged.
And I'm so believing that God's healing them right now.
PART 2 --
Shared the revival with my good friends Casey and Seth, both are in Intervarsity. They were in awe of the testimonies I told them, and they want to check out the revival themselves because it was pretty tough to absorb. I totally understand what they mean, I was once a doubting Thomas, but just by watching the revival day after day and going to Florida and got the fire, my level of hunger has reached another level.Lord I just pray that You will touch my brothers as they watch the revival over the internet and feel the tangible presence of You over the live streaming. Reveal more of Yourself to them and show them something they've never experienced before!
PART 3 --
Watched the last hour of the Outpouring tonight, and Todd was speaking right to me -- all his contending for healing. "If 1,000 didn't get healed, then I'm just going to keep on praying for another thousand, and another thousand. And when one or two finally get healed on the spot, PRAISE GOD!" And right then, everyone started to get healed to a point that he gained so much confident and faith for healing that he does not even need to have faith necessary because he KNOWS already that God's going to heal people! Once in Africa, he prayed for 139 deaf-mute, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM RECEIVED HEALING!
Lord, right now I take Todd's words as Your words because You desire to see those who wouldn't give up praying. And Lord I believe if I keep on praying for the sick and sowing, then I will be reaping thousands in the future and see every sick person be healed. God I thank You for speaking to me tonight through Todd's words.
I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently will find me.
-Proverbs 8:17-
But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and
that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
-Hebrews 11:6-
Moreover, God never tells us to GIVE UP.
If Elijah the great prophet prayed for seven times for rain (1 Kings 18), then I'm going to pray for thousands of times for supernatural healing. And there is freedom in healing, and healing actually comes with salvation.
**Get this: God cannot deal with healing without dealing sin. If God heals sickness, then He forgives every sin, whether a believer or not.
Keep on watching the revival, it's a real faith booster.
And keep on sharing testimonies with others too!
ps. I saw two people whom I prayed for before: Lee (back in February) and Amber (My post on May 13th). I saw Lee with his brace on his left leg again, and he told me that he just got the screws off his leg and it's healing now so I'm really glad for him. I asked him whether I could pray for him again and he's like, "yeah man, but you gotta pray for my friend here." His friend Trang, a believer also, twisted her left wrist (that's the second left wrist I just wrote about today). So I prayed for her and she was really encouraged by my boldness. I told her that she's definitely getting healed really soon. She said she felt some tingling feeling in her left wrist when I was praying for her. I'm going to check up on them via facebook sometime soon. God is good!
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