A beautifully written entry by Jason Vallotton.
We as the body of Christ are called to stand. In the mist of defeat we stand. In victory we stand. In conflict we stand. We carry the standard for our nation. It is we who set the bar. We have been mandated to represent the father’s heart to the whole earth. So much of who Christ is to the world is manifest through our words and actions. We have an opportunity in every situation to demonstrate the love of God in everything that we do…
So often, we let the circumstances of life decide what we will represent to the world. I can’t tell you how many times in the last few days I have heard someone say “Obamma is the Antichrist” or “ things are going to be bad.” Every time I hear these words, pain shoots through my heart. It is the Church, the BODY of CHRIST who has been sent to BUILD up the WORLD. Romans 2:4 says “ the goodness of God LEADS us to REPENTANCE!!!” As ambassador’s of Christ, how can we tear down the leaders of our nation and expect the kindness of God to invade their life? When we curse the leaders of our nation with our words, we are destroying the very thing we have been charged to build up. If you truly believe that your words create, then every curse that is spoken out of your mouth has a destructive effect in the world we are working so hard to preserve.
Change happens when we represent the Father heart of God everywhere we go. In order to be in places of influence and power, we must put on the mind of Christ and let compassion rule our tongue and actions.
Take a look at Daniel in the Bible. When trapped in an evil empire, ruled by a wicked king, Daniel put on compassion like a cloak and served Nebuchadnezzar with the heart of Jesus. Nebuchadnezzar received a dream from the Lord telling him that he was going to be torn down to nothing. Nebuchadnezzar did not understand the meaning of the dream so he called Daniel in to interpret it for him. Upon hearing the dream, Daniel became terribly troubled and replied, “My lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries! Daniel was heartbroken at the word of the Lord because of his deep love for Nebuchadnezzar (the wicked king). What troubles me is that most of the church would think this is the time for great rejoicing– God has judged Nebuchadnezzar! We would be saying, “This is what he deserves, he got what was coming”.
Have you ever had to discipline your children? Have you looked them in the eyes and let them know how their actions have torn deep into your heart? I can’t imagine their brothers and sisters saying, “This is what you deserve, that’s what you get”. This is what we are doing every time we rejoice in someone’s pain. God says to mourn with those who mourn, to weep with those who weep. It does not say to weep with those who did nothing wrong, He says to mourn with THOSE who mourn. Why? When we take time to mourn with those who mourn, we will also take the time to love them into health and restoration. When you love someone in their hardest season of life, you have now sewn seeds towards the prosperity of their soul.
Daniel’s heart for his king planted seeds of love into his life and because of this, Nebuchadnezzar surrendered himself over to the love of God. I will say it again, change happens when we represent the Father heart of God everywhere we go… If you believe that Obama needs God, then shine the love of God his way.
It is not our job to send destruction with our words, to hate those in leadership, or to curse Gods children. We do not overcome hate with hate. There is no fear in love and no peace in accusation. We have been hand selected, placed here to shine our light into the darkness, making it whole. The love of God is the only thing that breaks down the walls of death and destruction; it is the only tool that wins over the heart of a wicked king…
We are salt and light. We must learn how to guard our hearts and mind, for we know that salt and light belong in the dark and hard places of the world. The power that we draw from in these trying times comes out of our love, compassion, and honor for those we are preserving. When we fail to love, respect, and honor those who God has called us to, we violate our authority and misrepresent the Father, ultimately tearing down the very thing we are called to preserve. Put on the full armor of God. Guard your heart and mind with his truth. Wrap yourself in pure love and shine to the world the heart of our Father…
Jason Vallotton
Lord, help us to have Your heart for this nation. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours. We want to pur on Your full armor and consecrate ourselves for the days to come. We turn our focus on You.
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