Spoken Through

Saturday, November 29, 2008
By johnny
Tonight as we were going around in the circle sharing what we did for Thanksgiving or just a summary of this year that we are thankful for.

Gosh nothing comes to my mind at all! And I was so relieved that somehow my turn got skipped (phew). And when the sharing of that seemed to end, someone realized that I did not share (uh oh)!

And what came out of my mouth took me by surprise. I was thinking so hard to at least squeeze something out, but rather the Holy Spirit just spoke right through me.

I shared about how God has given me a burden to pray for this nation and the state of California. I was never interested in politics before 2008, but when I was introduced to the issue such as abortion, my heart was broken for the 50 million lives taken away from my generation. My heart started to contend. I do not want to pray prayers that take no faith. God has given me a hard to intercede for this nation and I will keep doing it.

Yeah I said something close to that. And I could not believe what I said! I was, for a couple second, shocked. Then I thanked the Lord. He once again reminded me of His heart for this nation.

I just love it when He speaks through me.
Jehovah Sneaky =)




blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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