Nothing Happened + CHUCK NORRIS.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
By johnny
Everyone should read what CHUCK NORRIS has to say about the recent riots against Prop 8. Profound and right on the money. He is a man standing up for righteousness.

"When you go home, you say,
'Mom I stepped on a snake and nothing happened!'"

said a tour guide to a little girl in the crowd of 30 while walking on its head. I was right there.

I thought his words were fairly interesting. He then went on and kinda finish the "snake-path talk" to his crowd of elementary kids who had completely no idea of what the guy just told them -- a blatant depiction of Genesis 3 -- which includes the crushing of the head of the snake. I'm glad that I'm a part of the Genesis 3 fulfillment when I'm on top of its head!

Got back today and actually wrote a song. I'm so grateful.

I have nothing to give to You
But this alabaster jar
Poured at Your feet
I have nothing to bring to You
But my heart and my soul
They belong to You

Oh I love You, I adore You
With this beautiful worship
That's enough, that's enough
You are here, and that's enough

I am nothing apart from You



November 24, 2008 4:31 PM Cheezy

You wrote that song? nice. Can't wait to hear it. Really enjoyed that article by Chuck Norric.


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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