Good Companions

Friday, January 9, 2009
By johnny
Well, if you miss my (in)famous SUPER LONG posts, here you have it!

This is Casey. He is a great man of God. I went to a bible study last year which he led with three other Intervarsity dorm team leaders! I love Casey for his open heart, I respect him for his life experiences, and I appreciate him for his desire to love Jesus wholeheartedly. We really haven't talked since LAST SCHOOL YEAR! So we set up a time today to kinda share with one another what the Lord has been doing in our lives and what have we been receiving or wanting.

Just like what he told me today, "I feel like we just talked last week!" I felt the same way, and that connection between brothers is simply awesome. We stuffed our lives in the past 6 months in an hour. Phew. It was pretty intense but we managed to do it! Casey, I'm definitely praying for your teaching thing and keeping track on your blog! Love you man.

This is Garrett. Over a year ago we had a great lunch time sharing hearts. He's a great man with amazing characters. Well, over the year of 2008, he was abroad in Chile, so we only got to chat over SKYPE (praise God for Skype!) and do some seasonal check-ups! After meeting with Casey, I bumped into Garrett! It was like divine set-up from the Lord or something! I have been thinking about him this week, hoping to see him, and voila!

So we spent an hour just to share what the Lord has been speaking to us, and he started to share with me how he experienced a shift/breakthrough in the spirit that God was speaking to him through dreams and visions regarding to the nations.

Then I asked him to keep Jill Austin in his prayers. I told him that she came down to SD for a conference back in April, and I got filled by the Holy Spirit and got to a point that I started laughing so hard, and whoever I touches would start laughing with me! And as I was just sharing it, Garrett started laughing uncontrollably, and he put hands on my shoulders, and I started to get some of that wine upon me, and we were laughing and saying, "man we're in the middle of the food court, (laughing).... you don't wanna get too intense here... it wouldn't be a pretty", something like that. Well, it's good to have a dose of the Spirit here and then haha...

Hanging with a Garrett is just so chilaxing. I feel like he's my long lost brother or some sort, ya know. Since he shared with me his dreams & visions, I told him one of the three dreams I posted back in Novermber & December. It'd be great to hear what revelation he receives from the dreams! Anyhow, we had a blast hanging out and sharing what's been on our hearts. I can't believe a year has gone by since we last saw each other! Time really flies.

After a tedious class on lightwaves and how we cannot see UV lights or infrared lights, I went to ORIGINS Large Group meeting @ Brian Orme's new pad here in La Jolla (OMG THE HOUSE IS AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS!!!! I'D DO ANYTHING TO LIVE IN IT!), mostly to catch up, talk about what's coming up, and get to know each other. Brian, his wife Cecilee and his 2.5 year-old daughter Eowyn are living just one mile away from UCSD in this beautiful house that has an oceanview (ssssick!).

Brian Orme (Left) & Sam Han (Right)

Eowyn Orme, Brian's 2.5 year-old daughter who's got healing hands!

Well, tonight was a potluck, so I brought in some Johnny-made rotisserie chicken (oh yeah!).... I mean.... RALPHS made chicken, and some OREO double stuf! Some people brought in veggies with dips, baked sweet potatoes, fruits, potato salad, and super delicious MEATBALLS! I got the recipe and I'll be making some butt-kickin' meatballs that'll put your grandmas to shame, ow! Anyhow, we all got to worship a bit, and pray for our friends who we want to see saved.

I then shared a praise report about the lady whose cancer got miraculously healed! And I also ask everyone to pray for Tina's aunt in China who is suffering from the same cancer that God just healed! In Jesus Name! And lastly I told them about Jesse, who lost his battle with cancer yesterday.

I've come to a realization that as I was mourning over the loss of Jesse, who did not know Jesus, I was, at the same time, beginning to press in and contend for a million soul revival. This reality just hit me yesterday. We need to mourn for lost souls, but we ought to have a burden to see the Lord restore what the devil has taken away. Like Brian said, "the Lord will repay sevenfold of what the enemy took away. That seven people will be healed of cancer out of the loss of Jesse." I'm believing it. God is loving and good, and His mercy endures forever.

One last thing. PLEASE PRAY FOR JILL AUSTIN. She's a prophetess who has been traveling across the globe to be a vessel for the Lord, and yesterday she suddenly had a high blood pressure and her pancreas had some issues that she was sent to the hospital in Kansas City. She's in a critical condition and desperately needing a miracle that the Lord would heal her and restore all blood cells and kill all the viruses and attacks. I pray victory over the battle against the enemy. GOD YOU ARE GOOD!

Had a little facebook chat with Eddie. I love his heart and I am so blessed to fight with him side by side. We chatted a little bit about Jill's condition and he told me that he was just chatting with Jill about what is coming up in 2009 back in Kansas City (just 12 hours before she was sent to the hospital!). We then also shared what has been on our hearts -- contending and ask Him to rend the heavens and come down in a greater measure of His power and glory!

If I ascend into the sky
Or hide behind the night
I can not run Your love is chasing me
If I fall into the sea
Your hand will rescue me
No one will take Your place

- Yes You Have by Leeland

I feel like spending a couple posts on love and what I see love is, what the Bibles says about it, and some stories about love.

It's been quite a while since I wrote a post this long! I actually miss it quite a lot! God is so good and I cannot wait for more! I'm expecting a sevenfold favor!



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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