The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns
and put it on his head.
They clothed him in a purple robe
and went up to him again and again, saying,
"Hail, king of the Jews!"
And they struck him in the face.
-John 19:2~3-
I have been pondering on the crown of thorns Jesus wore when He was crucified, and today my good pal Alwyn, who goes to BSSM, posted on facebook that this crown had a significant purpose:
In Genesis chapter 3, after the fruity event, God told Adam that the ground will produce thorns and thistles for him, and he will eat the plants of the field. So the ground was cursed ever since Genesis 3. Moreover, the word "thorn" appears in the Bible almost 60 times, and the word is always used as a curse or sin similar to the usage in Genesis 3.
Jesus wore the crown of thorn to save the earth -- to reverse the curse. He came not only to die to give us eternal life, but He also saved the earth from producing thorns and thistles for men! Robe ripped, body bruised, nail pierced, Jesus reversed every curse, sickness, poverty, and death through His most brilliant and faithful act.
Christ died for us. We should always be willing to die for Him.
Jesus died for His friends, and so should we.
Love our God. Love our neighbors. Love our enemies.
I'm willing to die for my friend, who died for me.