Holy Spirit Bombs

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
By johnny

Today during Origins Large Group, as we were pressing into praying for our campus, I saw a vision of jets dropping bombs on the UCSD campus, and immediately I knew that the air forces are be the intercessors. The bombs being dropped are the prayers and worship, shifting the atmosphere, destroying the camps of the enemy all across the campus, breaking chains and bondages, and setting the captives free from physical, emotional, and spiritual injuries and sicknesses.

And just now I saw another vision: The Navy acts as the base -- training soldiers and ship them to the shore and the air: the Army aka land force are the revivalists and the evangelists -- rescue the multitudes and reaping the ripe harvest -- but also fighting the enemy face-to-face!

Do you know the moment you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you are enlisted into His army? Maybe you are not equipped, but a war is happening all around you -- somehow your eyes are opened to see the world differently -- and the war you take part of is of the spirit.

And whether you are the Air Force (intercessors) or the Navy (ministries and churches) or the Army (evangelists, musicians), you need to know one thing: the war was already won when Jesus defeated death on the cross, and the battles you fight are parts of His victorious act! Maybe you'd lose a battle or two, but that does not shake the fact that the war is won! God will never give us something that is beyond our ability when we partner up with Him, but He will test us and put us into trials so that we can be made into pure gold!

Yes, test comes before testimony. And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev. 19:10). Whenever a testimony is shared, prophecy is released to call forth the same testimony to be repeated! I really like the way God works... very different yet so brilliant!


ps. Just want to share something I think is Kingdom brilliant from Will Smith. He is definitely one of my favorite male actor. I believe he's a Christian. If he's not, I bet he would receive Jesus in a blink of an eye.


December 03, 2009 1:08 AM Eric Shi

johnny, this is a powerful vision. i'm gonna hold on to it!

no, as much as i want to, i'm not going to onething =( but bring some fire back to SD yea? :D

let's be friends =)

December 03, 2009 2:13 AM [joy B.] doveseye

great insight! JW..way to go..
i guess Modern Warfare 2 did affect you in some way,huh?
loved the vision!

December 09, 2009 12:33 AM Cheezy

i was watching this video...and then Jessica was like, "Are you watching that video Johnny posted on facebook?" I was like, "yess..." Then was she was like, "Oh." And that was it. Hahaha. Anyways. It was really awesome. It was inspiring.

blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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