What is a King Size Bed?
Well, to some it is a $400 bed that is 76 inches in width and 80 inches in length -- made for a king, of course. My parents used to have a king size bed at home and when I was small I would have to do two somersaults to get from one end of the bed to the other.
Well, that's one way to define King Size Bed. I would like to call it a Manger: a box or trough in a stable or barn from which horses or cattle eat. What a bed for the King of kings, the Son of God!
I just want to give thanks once again to God the Father who gave His one and only begotten Son, Jesus, for us, that whoever believes in His Son shall not perish but have eternal life. The gospel still amazes me--tell me who on earth would, knowing beforehand, be born in a manger, and beaten up and nailed on a cross to die? I would've prevented any of these things to ever happen to me if I were to know what was going to happen in the future... unless I didn't have a choice.
Jesus had a choice, and He knew the price He had to pay when He made that choice to become a man, become sin, and become the Savior of mankind. I believe we were always on His mind in every step He took during His 33 years on earth. Did He deserve any of this--the dirty barn? the super-uncomfortable king size bed aka the tiny manger? the scoffing from the religious people? the beating from the Roman guards? spending time with sinners? the crucifixion?
Jesus had to make choices because He was setting an example for His people. If He had no choice, then I believe the sacrifice did not come out of love; it might still save us from hell, but He did it simply because He had no choice.
Carols everywhere, Christmas lights and trees all lit and decorated, yet we seem to forget what Christmas is all about. I am here to give you an invitation to come and know this God who gave His Son Jesus for you and I so that our lives serve a beautiful purpose--His purpose. His promises are always true and His love is never failing. I you say yes to this invitation, then I would like to ask you to pray this prayer below:
Dear Jesus, thank You for sacrificing Your life for me so that I can live eternally. I now come before You and believe that You are the Son of God who washed my sin away through Your death on the cross and Your resurrection. You are my Savior and I want to know You more. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Peace on earth, good will toward men.
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