Navel aka Belly Buttons

Saturday, January 2, 2010
By johnny

Your navel is a rounded goblet
that never lacks blended wine.
-Song of Songs 7:2-

I enjoy the definition of "navel" in wikipedia:

The navel (also known colloquially as the belly button, or clinically as the umbilicus) is a scar on the abdomen, caused when the umbilical cord is removed from a newborn baby. All placental mammals have a navel. It is fairly conspicuous in humans.

Well... why am I talking about belly buttons? Because Paul, a man of God whom I truly love and respect, preached on how God loves us that He even thinks that my navel (aka belly buttons) is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine!

....How weird!

During my first night in Kansas City when I was brushing my teeth and preparing for bed, I was pondering on the reason why God would even care about loving our belly buttons. And something just dawned on me -- God could've said something about our toenails or our nose hair, but He chose to brag about the belly buttons not only because everyone's navel is unique, but what it represents. You see, belly button is a SCAR caused when the umbilical cord is removed from a newborn baby.

The belly button is the ONLY way for the baby to intake food and nutrition in order to grow and also the only path to get rid of junk. The baby is in full dependency on the placenta, which depends on the mother.

God loves our complete dependency, and that's why He would brag about the belly button of all different parts of the body! He loves it when we surrender & intake what He has for us and take out what is bad for us -- all through the spiritual umbilical cord which is the Holy Spirit!

And He says our belly button is like a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine! How amazing is that! His desire is to fill us up with the wine of the Spirit that will NEVER LACK =D I'm being blessed by this fun revelation! Thank You Holy Spirit! I need Your wine every day!



January 06, 2010 8:49 PM Cheezy

That is really cool. Good revelation, but pictures of belly buttons still creep me out.

blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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