This is my third trip to Onething, and the Lord never stops to amaze me with His goodness and mercy! There is so so so much more in store for me to figure Him out!
To be completely honest, I went there mainly to chaperone the first-timers and pray that they would be baptized in the Holy Spirit and receive a breakthrough in their walk with Jesus. Of course I was expecting God to show up, but that was not my main goal this year.
However, Holy Spirit had other plans for me (oh how I love Him!). Throughout the 3 days at the conference, I have NEVER, EVER, been so filled by the Holy Spirit before. Every night I would be filled with the joy of the Spirit that I would started laughing so hard that I could not stand up or control my physical movement. Many people wept uncontrollably or in the conviction of the Holy Spirit, some felt the fiery presence, some twitched or did crunches for hours because the Spirit was moving, and some started laughing their gut out like me.
I received a breakthrough in healing and miracle on the last night -- a lady whose right leg was shorter than the left one, after prayer, her right leg grew out to the same length as the left one! Somehow I had so much faith in that Spirit filled atmosphere that I KNEW that the leg was going to grow out!
And that wasn't it. Her friend, after seeing the miracle happening in front of her eyes, said to me, "Pray for me too! I have the same problem too!" If God can do it once, He can do it twice! So it certainly did not take long for her shortened left leg to grow back out to the same length as her right one! Afterwards she told me that the lower back pain that has been bothering her for the longest time is now GONE! Come on Lord -- healed and set free from pain! And she could never touch the floor with her hands without bending her knees, but somehow she could now after prayer and receiving healing! Yay Jesus!!
Here's the testimony video!
I've heard people talking about legs growing out and I have seen videos of people's legs growing out, but the impact of being able to see a miracle happening right before my eyes is simply indescribable. It makes me love Jesus even the more -- I am not saying it's the physical sensations or manifestations that makes me love Him even more, but it's the richness of His mercy and the depth of His love that captivate my heart and make my soul cries out for more of Him because I have tasted and seen! How much more is there to God's love? I might not fully understand, but I will choose to search Him out as much as I can before I see Him face to face =D
I'm so excited for this new year. New things are going to happen!
Oh how You melt my heart like no other.
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