You can't win without running the race.
You can't be a father without being a son first.
You can't be a leader without being a follower.
You can't have the chicken without the eg..... wait.
That's not what I mean.
This is what I mean:
You can't have the rainbow without the storm.
The most spectacular rainbow displays happen when half of the sky is still dark with raining clouds and the observer is at a spot with clear sky in the direction of the Sun. The result is a luminous rainbow that contrasts with the darkened background. - Wiki
Rainbow appears when the sun comes out after a storm. If there's no light, you ain't got no rainbow. Every time I see a rainbow, I thought God's promise to Noah in Genesis 9: an "everlasting covenant between God and ALL living creatures".
Before that promise was 40 days and 40 nights of rain and flood.
Nuff said. If you're in the midst of a storm, good. =D
It's a process of being beaten down and getting back up, a process of maturity, of becoming a man from a boy. And you cannot skip the first step.
okay... maybe Tony Stark can, but you can't.
you did a rainbow research?