1. A Juggler Treasure Hunting

    Thursday, January 21, 2010
    By johnny

    A juggler
    Starts with three balls
    Then four
    Then five
    Then six... and so on

    After the cruise, many people were being attacked physically -- having stomach flus, being sick in bed, catching a cold. Well, I didn't catch a cold, but I had an accident.

    Driving down I-5 south to San Diego Monday night. Right before I got to Oceanside, some random object just rolled in front of me, and I could not avoid hitting it. So after a huge BAM, I got off the first exit and parked at a gas station and took a look at the severity of the damage.

    My left turn signal light was completely shattered, the left side of my front bumper was dented in, and somehow my windshield fluid tank was leaking in the bottom. I tried to add some water into the tank and it eventually leaked out. I really thank the Lord for protecting me and Peter! We hit this random object at 70mph and we are both safe and sound.

    After an estimate at a local body shop this morning, I believe the total would probably come down to $1,500, which is ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND expensive. Moreover, the body shop told me that they cannot help me to get the parts from Canada, I'll have to get it myself instead since the car is from Canada. I really didn't know what to do but to pray that I won't have to pay so much to get the car fixed.

    I've had my license for a little over two years now and I have never gotten any ticket or accident. And this incident was definitely not my fault no it was the object's. I think it's an attack from the enemy. It just came across my lane on the freeway and hit my car while I was going 70mph... really random. And since the incident I have been feeling attacked even the more. So devil you better hear me out because I hate you to the core and I will trample you under MY feet. You have already lost your war, stop trying. I cast you out of my life and not to come back ever again.

    However God has been so faithful at the same time. Today I went treasure hunting with two amazing friends, Natalie and Paul. It was Paul's first time however he found a lay with bright green sweater! And Natalie found her purple--a girl wearing a purple jacket holding a purple umbrella! And I found 3 out of the 5 things I wrote down--that was VERY HIGH PERCENTAGE! I found my "white guy with thick frame glasses", "colorful umbrella", and "red car"!

    As we were praying for this guy Dan (the white guy with thick frame glasses), who's from Campus Crusade for Christ promoting their event called "Porn Nation" -- a man addicted to pornography for 30 years was saved and set free will be sharing his story on campus next Monday. It started to rain.

    As we kept on walking, we saw at least 5 or 6 COLORFUL umbrellas walking around in the rain. Too cool. We stopped a person but she didn't want any prayers, but it was pretty cool still because when I got the vision of colorful umbrella, it was not raining and I did not think about the rain at all! =D

    Anyhow, after the treasure hunt I saw two freshmen Ben and Melissa, who are simply on fire for the Lord, and I started to share with them about what happened during Treasure Hunt! My good friend Nicole came by and told us that her backpack broke so she was going to get a new one at the bookstore. So she did and started to transfer all her stuff from the old bag to the new one. And somehow, out of her old bag, she pulled out a RED TOY CAR! I was like... Nicole, do you know that you're on my list? I wrote down Red Car!!!!!!!! OMG! So she got all excited and she said that she always wanted a red car so one of her friends got her this toy car!

    Anyhow, so I prayed for Nicole and afterwards she told me that the prayer had a lot of confirmation about what she is going through this season! So YAY God!

    Lord, I love it that You ALWAYS shows up! And I need Your Strength and Protection even the more.

    So many things to juggle. One at a time.

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  2. A Process

    Thursday, January 14, 2010
    By johnny
    You can't win without running the race.
    You can't be a father without being a son first.
    You can't be a leader without being a follower.
    You can't have the chicken without the eg..... wait.
    That's not what I mean.

    This is what I mean:
    You can't have the rainbow without the storm.

    The most spectacular rainbow displays happen when half of the sky is still dark with raining clouds and the observer is at a spot with clear sky in the direction of the Sun. The result is a luminous rainbow that contrasts with the darkened background. - Wiki

    Rainbow appears when the sun comes out after a storm. If there's no light, you ain't got no rainbow. Every time I see a rainbow, I thought God's promise to Noah in Genesis 9: an "everlasting covenant between God and ALL living creatures".

    Before that promise was 40 days and 40 nights of rain and flood.

    Nuff said. If you're in the midst of a storm, good. =D
    It's a process of being beaten down and getting back up, a process of maturity, of becoming a man from a boy. And you cannot skip the first step.

    okay... maybe Tony Stark can, but you can't.

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  3. Onething 09 and Beyond

    Thursday, January 7, 2010
    By johnny
    One word: WOW.

    This is my third trip to Onething, and the Lord never stops to amaze me with His goodness and mercy! There is so so so much more in store for me to figure Him out!

    To be completely honest, I went there mainly to chaperone the first-timers and pray that they would be baptized in the Holy Spirit and receive a breakthrough in their walk with Jesus. Of course I was expecting God to show up, but that was not my main goal this year.

    However, Holy Spirit had other plans for me (oh how I love Him!). Throughout the 3 days at the conference, I have NEVER, EVER, been so filled by the Holy Spirit before. Every night I would be filled with the joy of the Spirit that I would started laughing so hard that I could not stand up or control my physical movement. Many people wept uncontrollably or in the conviction of the Holy Spirit, some felt the fiery presence, some twitched or did crunches for hours because the Spirit was moving, and some started laughing their gut out like me.

    I received a breakthrough in healing and miracle on the last night -- a lady whose right leg was shorter than the left one, after prayer, her right leg grew out to the same length as the left one! Somehow I had so much faith in that Spirit filled atmosphere that I KNEW that the leg was going to grow out!

    And that wasn't it. Her friend, after seeing the miracle happening in front of her eyes, said to me, "Pray for me too! I have the same problem too!" If God can do it once, He can do it twice! So it certainly did not take long for her shortened left leg to grow back out to the same length as her right one! Afterwards she told me that the lower back pain that has been bothering her for the longest time is now GONE! Come on Lord -- healed and set free from pain! And she could never touch the floor with her hands without bending her knees, but somehow she could now after prayer and receiving healing! Yay Jesus!!

    Here's the testimony video!

    I've heard people talking about legs growing out and I have seen videos of people's legs growing out, but the impact of being able to see a miracle happening right before my eyes is simply indescribable. It makes me love Jesus even the more -- I am not saying it's the physical sensations or manifestations that makes me love Him even more, but it's the richness of His mercy and the depth of His love that captivate my heart and make my soul cries out for more of Him because I have tasted and seen! How much more is there to God's love? I might not fully understand, but I will choose to search Him out as much as I can before I see Him face to face =D

    I'm so excited for this new year. New things are going to happen!

    Oh how You melt my heart like no other.

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  4. Navel aka Belly Buttons

    Saturday, January 2, 2010
    By johnny

    Your navel is a rounded goblet
    that never lacks blended wine.
    -Song of Songs 7:2-

    I enjoy the definition of "navel" in wikipedia:

    The navel (also known colloquially as the belly button, or clinically as the umbilicus) is a scar on the abdomen, caused when the umbilical cord is removed from a newborn baby. All placental mammals have a navel. It is fairly conspicuous in humans.

    Well... why am I talking about belly buttons? Because Paul, a man of God whom I truly love and respect, preached on how God loves us that He even thinks that my navel (aka belly buttons) is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine!

    ....How weird!

    During my first night in Kansas City when I was brushing my teeth and preparing for bed, I was pondering on the reason why God would even care about loving our belly buttons. And something just dawned on me -- God could've said something about our toenails or our nose hair, but He chose to brag about the belly buttons not only because everyone's navel is unique, but what it represents. You see, belly button is a SCAR caused when the umbilical cord is removed from a newborn baby.

    The belly button is the ONLY way for the baby to intake food and nutrition in order to grow and also the only path to get rid of junk. The baby is in full dependency on the placenta, which depends on the mother.

    God loves our complete dependency, and that's why He would brag about the belly button of all different parts of the body! He loves it when we surrender & intake what He has for us and take out what is bad for us -- all through the spiritual umbilical cord which is the Holy Spirit!

    And He says our belly button is like a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine! How amazing is that! His desire is to fill us up with the wine of the Spirit that will NEVER LACK =D I'm being blessed by this fun revelation! Thank You Holy Spirit! I need Your wine every day!

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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