I grow tired as I clean that hood, and I realized that Jesus NEVER grows tired cleaning the filth out of this world! I might get frustrated because some filths are extremely hard to be cleansed; on the other hand, the Lord rejoices more as the cleansing process goes on. He NEVER grows weary.
After it's clean and shiny, I felt accomplished.
Every person is undergoing a cleaning process.
We may need to buy a lot of spray for the hood,
but He bought the filthy one
and cleans it with His own hand.
Cause after all,
Jesus' blood is the most effective spray for all filth!
Taiwan is undergoing a cleansing process. Today as I passed by a Buddhist temple tonight at around 11:30pm, I saw so many people there holding incense and burning those paper "money". I think it's that time of the year again--the seventh month of the lunar year--the month that the gate of hell is opened up for a month. Therefore all these people were making offerings to those bad ghosts to tell them not to disturb them in this month.
So I started to praying tongue and rebuke the spirit of idol worshiping in Taiwan and ask the blood of Jesus to fall upon this place. And then, SUDDENLY my left wrist started to hurt a lot as if I just played piano for 10 hour straight! I was shocked for a moment, but the Lord reminded me that I was in a serious war zone. After walking for some distance from that temple, the pain went away. I really believe it was the enemy trying to trip me or shun me as I was passing their "camping base". I hate the enemy more than I hate cockroaches and rats. Here's a warning for ya, you filthy little scum, you know who you're messing with, and He is going to burn you for eternity. Satan, is that all you can do? That's simply despicable. You are despicable.
Jesus, thank You for the Holy Spirit protecting me!
Cleanse me and this country!!
ps. I think I'll be going to a Dale Carnegie training course in the next months or so! I hope that I can be back in L.A. as planned! Pray for me!
Dale Carnegie course?!!!! cool we can be the best of buds and you can review with me! haha