Hanging out with all these college kids brought me back to middle school again. We started to reminisce all the stupid and fun stuff we all did together individually and as a class such as: imitating teachers, cheating (Lord have mercy!), got cut by a knife, reading comics during class, being smacked by Bio teacher, and math teacher's unforgettable action--cheek pinching (ouch). Hopefully we'll get together and go back to school and say hi to all those amazing teachers (they are still teaching fervently I suppose!). I have so much respect for them.
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.
Let nothing move you.
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,
because you know that your labor in the Lord
is not in vain.
-1 Cor 15:58-
Thank you Brian Cheung for the verse! You are a great brother to me and I am going to miss seeing you on campus, having meals, sharing lives, and of course, praying for people together! I know that God's got a path made just for you and you just gotta obey Him and walk on that glorious path of life. You are a great encourager and a person who is so in love with Jesus that you don't care what other people think anymore!
Jesus, thank You =)
lol whoa?
& aww. that reminds me. i want to visit my old teachers too. haha :]