A: To have not only FAITH but also DEEDS. (James 2)
Show me your faith without deeds,
and I will show you my faith by what I do.
-James 2:18-
That's my verse during this trip, I believe.
Be faithful in small things and big ones.
To know. To Believe. To Act.
Did a faith booster today at 台北地下街 - the Taipei underground metro mall - lots of stores to shop and get food. This auntie was just sitting there just about when we, my friend Tommy and I, were leaving the mall! So I had a 5 second "inner war" (you know those kind of thing....I never liked it), then I told my friend that we should "stop and rest for a sec" (haha) since we just bought some drinks. Then, I started to take action! Praise the Lord!
As you can see from the picture, her right wrist was really CRAZILY wrapped up because she broke her wrist and TWO NAILS are in that little wrist! Those little metal sticks are keeping her wrist stable. She cannot use a cast. We talked a lot (she talked mainly...and really talked quite a lot!) and after a while, I cut to the chase because SHE REALLY CAN GO ON & ON FOR HOURS!
Found out that she's a believer too (the last thing I would think about really cuz she was wearing a Buddhist amulet given by her daughter. "I used to wear a cross all the time, and my daughter was just worried about me so she got me this, and I am now wearing this more because it has my daughter's love in it. I used to wear both, and my daughter said, 'which one do you believe then?' so right now I am wearing this."
I never liked the enemy. Never will. But as I was talking with this auntie, I felt like she needs to encounter Jesus herself and pray for her daughter & daughter-in-law who are both Buddhists. She let me pray for her broken wrist; even though she did not feel less painful, she was so delighted because I prayed for her! I totally believe that little Buddhist thingy cannot stop God's invasive love even a bit in that auntie's life!
"Cool man," said Tommy after the 15-minute CIPFY.
Faith without action in dead. And I believe that action stirred something up inside of him. Lord I believe You will encounter Tommy and save him!
That totally boosted my faith today.
I love to pray for other people. Lord, You know I do.
I love You Jesus.
ps. I get to attend the practice of Joshua (the worship band of our GMother church). They are practicing for their annual summer camp coming up next week! I get to meet all of them!!! Pray for me I will be sharing some CIPFY vision with them and hope that they will take some T-Shirts to their camp and sell them (woohoo)!
pps. Ate a lot today and got to see 4 great friends back in middle school. Pretty awesome!
That is very awesome. Ahaha. old people talk alot. keep it up!