Praise Report!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
By johnny


Grandma is doing very well after the removal of her gall bladder yesterday morning. I'll post a picture of these 6 HUGE STONES inside of her gall bladder (OMG those are pretty big!). Dad, Mom, and I gathered together before we left home to pray together for GMa who was in the surgery I used Psalm 91 in the prayer -- the Lord is our Refuge. Lord, activate the hunger for more of You in my life and in my family's lives! I don't want to live a stupid and boring life that's not what you've planned for me! I confess that my body is weak but my spirit is super willing! I want to die daily and just let You take over my day.

A-Ma (my grandma) is so brave and strong that she started to get out of bed by herself!! I believe the Lord is speeding up her healing process from the surgery! Come on!
Every day after work I get really tired. And over the past month I can really feel the stress, or the weariness rather, that my parents have almost every day! And certainly the body can be so weak and tired after 12 hours of work! But I know the more tired I am, the more I should come before You and hang out. Lord, I don't like to be ignored and neglected; therefore, I don't want You to feel ignored. I want to hang out and spend more time with You even though I am tired. I want to love You, Jesus! Johnny


July 23, 2008 5:49 PM Unknown

nice, i saw the same thing...haha craziness. think of all the millions of emails that have gone out. hehe Grandmas are always so brave and cool. yep, haven't commented in a long time. byah.

July 23, 2008 11:22 PM Anonymous

good job, john boy.

we prayed for gma's healing and mama and papa too.

ask them to repeat after you when praying. like teaching little children, eh...

we've been so wacked by H.S. here in Redding...jealous???? :-p

July 27, 2008 6:49 PM [joy B.] doveseye

i saw it too..haha

blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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