- Ed, Alston, and I -
Remember my awesome friend, Ed Huang, whom I met @ Oasis Bread of Life Church this pass summer? Well, I was chatting with him online on the 25th, and he's got some awesome praise reports of City Invasion!
Ed went out with some friends from church to a park...
1. Prayed for a girl had a surgery from an injury while playing badminton. She felt heat and warmth in her leg!!!! She did not want to try it out, but Ed got her email address to follow up with her healing!
2. Prayed for grandma who was with her son and daughter-in-law & grandkids. He found out that she was a Catholic when she was little. Anyhow, Ed prayed for her health, family, and blessings. And the grandma was really happy! =)
3. Later that day Ed was supposed to meet up with his sister-in-law at a restaurant for dinner, but she was late due to a huge stomachache which caused her to stay in the restroom for 2 hour straight before she reached to the restaurant! When Ed saw her at the restaurant, she asked Ed to take her home, and in the car and before leaving the restaurant, she wanted to use the restroom.
Then Ed prayed for her. And the the
PAIN LEFT HER SO SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE CAR TO USE THE RESTROOM!!!! Then he prayed for her AGAIN for complete healing, and she felt so much better!!! PRAISE GOD!!!4. Prayed for a lady in wheel chair @ Taipei 101. Those who were with her told Ed that she hadn't walked for a while and there are cells attacking her organs! So Ed asked whether he could pray for her, beliving that Jesus could heal her from the disease. They agreed. So Ed prayed for her legs to be strengthened and rebuke the virus inside of her. And then he helped her to walk!!! SHE WALKED FOR 20 PACES AND THEN WALKED BACK TO HER WHEEL CHAIR AND SHE WAS REALLY HAPPY!
Okay....there are MORE!!!
I just finished chatting with him, and he shared more testimonies!! Awesome stuff!
5. Just yesterday, Ed was at a movie theatre and God healed a guy's hand! At first he said it's okay, but then Ed's good buddy, ALSTON, who was with him at the theatre, came and backed Ed up! Then they prayed for his hand and commanded healing to every part of his hand. After the prayer they asked him how he felt....and guess what he said?
And after the movie they met the guy again and he told them that his hand felt
Still can't get enough of it?
Don't worry, there are still 2 more =)
6. Later that day they prayed for another guy with crutches who had an injury. The guy seemed really happy after the prayer!!! =) Our God is a joyful God!
7. Then they also prayed for a lady while WAITING FOR GREEN LIGHT!! They lady was selling flowers on the side of the intersection, and one of her hands was wrapped up. They prayed for healing upon her hand and then THE LIGHT TURNED GREEN....so they left =) Ed told me that they should have stayed and asked her how she felt, but I just told him that don't worry, their prayers are heard from above and the seeds sown into that lady will flourish!
Alright, now who does not get pumped? This is Heaven on earth!
Here's the post about my hanging out with Ed & Alston back in August! They are real hungry and crazy revivalists who have a burden for Taiwan! They are so encouraging!!!!!