Gavin Newsom, mayor of the City of San Francisco, addresses to the crowd in early July that he will bid for the state governor. He has no idea what he was saying. This 40-year-old mayor has legalized same-sex marriage in the city of San Francisco. Read this article about homosexual marriages in San Fran earlier this year.
Anyhow, there will be a vote on the PROPOSITION 8 to redefine marriage between a man and a woman in the constitutional amendment. Passing Proposition 8 protects our children and places into the Constitution the simple definition that a marriage is between a man and a woman.
We need to realize how humongous this issue is! If this proposition does not pass, then all organizations that do not recognize same-sex marriage will be sued and oppressed! This is something we cannot ignore nor compromise. Who will stand in the gap for the state of California in fasting and prayers? It will be a shame if we as Christians be persecuted in this country established under God's law and the Ten Commandments. Or on the other hand, we need something as critical as this to wake us up and turn to God for mercy?
This is not about California anymore. This is about the entire world. As California goes, so goes the nation. God still has a holy remedy for this state. I encourage everyone to go to iProtectMarriage.com to find out more about PROPOSITION 8 and how to register to vote. We believe this is the moment when all believers from all denominations MUST stand side-by-side for His glory and His Name. Lord, hole back the flood! There is still hope for this state!
It's time to go all out.
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