This past afternoon, I teamed up with Tiffa, Josephine, and Chris for treasure hunt.
We knew that something was waiting for us @ Arcadia Mall.
We prayed for around 15 people and here are three highlights:
1. Outside of Dave & Buster restaurant we saw this young, African-American on a wheelchair. Since January he's been paralyzed below the waist because he was shot right outside of his church! Never have I heard such a story! He can move his legs and stand up; however, he cannot walk because his nerve system was damaged. He has great faith that God will heal his wound and restore his nerves and pop his bones back in place! Chris and I got to lay hands on him and pray for him. But he rejected politely when I asked him to try and get up and walk in faith! In the end I gave him Impact's card and invited him to join us tomorrow for celebration! Praise the Lord!!!
2. We saw this man with a huge band around his waist as we took the escalator to the first level. This man, Jimmy, a few years ago (I think 2 years ago), swallowed a really tiny yet super sharp bone that ended up cut a hole through his intestines (yeah I know....yuk..)! He had a surgery back then, but lately there's something wrong with it again so he got another surgery a month ago and now he is recovering from that. He was really excited to hear that we wanted to pray for him! After the prayers he told us that he also would like to pray! I had to be honest that this little religious spirit kicked in and I was doubting that he's a "Holy Holy" Christian. Lord right now I ask You to forgive what I was thinking. Anyhow, he said something that was really encouraging, "even though right now my stomach is still feeling really tight from the surgery, but I believe that God's given me the body to heal that wound. I think today I met you is not so much about my stomach but how I need to get right with God again. I was just thinking of getting a beer and relax, but now I'm not going to get a beer!" I gave him our church's contact and invited him to come tomorrow for service. He said we will come! Thank You Lord for Jimmy and how he wants to get right with You once again! Would you speak to him in his dreams right now! I love how You showed up in awesome ways, Jesus.
3. During our time at the mall, I was searching for PURPLE BEADS since that's one of the items I wrote down. "Lord, I would not leave the mall if I don't see purple beads!" I prayed. Anyhow, so Josephine had the word "bookstore" on her list, so we went to Borders Bookstore. After roaming around for a minute or two, I saw this young lady walking with a black cane, so I told Josephine to come with me; however, the lady was with three friends. So we were by the sideline doing some pre-invading observation.
SUDDENLY....right in front of us was a hard-covered book with the title name BEADS! And on the cover were beautiful blue/violet beads! I was so pumped that I pointed at this book to Josephine and that lady and that book and that lady over and over again! I then looked at the lady and at the same time opened the book without looking at it until Josephine said to me, "PURPLE BEADS!" I glanced back and I couldn't believe my eyes. On page 141 were two beads that are all purple! I was even more excited!!! Moreover, the lady was wearing a pink shirt - which Tiffa wrote down on her list!
Then Tiffa and Josephine went over and pray for the lady who has problem with her right knee and her grandfather who is learning how to walk after a stroke. When we regrouped, I shared with them that before they went to pray for her, I felt like there's something wrong with her right knee!!!
All in all, this lady matched three items on our lists: BOOKSTORE is on Josephine's list, PURPLE BEADS is on my list, and PINK SHIRT is on Tiffas list! Thank You Jesus for this exciting testimony. You are a God who's SO ALIVE! I love to receive words and pictures from You!
God still speaks and desire to speak to each on of us!
Come on, give Him praise!
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