Jeff and I went to watch the debate over whether there's any reason to believe that Jesus actually resurrected physically. This athiest Jonathan kept on saying that there's no evidence to prove that Jesus actually rose from the dead and how St. Peter did not mention, in his own words, the "empty tomb" of Jesus. However this totally fired up graduate John has given a great counter attack to the athiests' statements. Anyhow, Jeff and I left for Intervarsity at around 8:20ish while the debaters were taking questions from the spectators.
Went to large group. The new serie is called Seeking Justice. Ryan, the speaker, has always been awesome at sharing and tonight so many stood up and made a commitment to God that they would seek for justice and righteousness in this world! Come on!
Anyhow, after large group I went to help out at the Love Tent promo table, and there were some people just came from the debate. And here's what happened after I left:
Basically Jonathan said something like this,
"so are you saying that you can pray for me and the rashes on my arms would completely disappear?"
"Totally. Can I pray for you right now?"
"You have one minute. Go."
John then asked those believers who were in the audience to come down and lay hand on that athiest! This is totally crazy! Even though Jonathan did not get healed(cuz he totally did not have faith), the debate miraculously turned into a prayer meeting! All these radical Christ followers were praying for this complete athiest in a room full of athiests! Come on! Give Him praise!!!!
Man, I'm so excited. This is awesome!Something's going on!! Lord I just pray that many hearts are stirred up right now as I type and would You give them dreams and reveal Yourself to those whose hearts are pounding because they saw something supernatural in that act of prayer offering. God You're awesome! Shake and bake!
Anyhow, Jeff told me more about one of his friends who has been trying to persuade him not to go to church on Sundays and to hang out.
"Are friends more important to you or God?"
"To be honest, God."
Jeff's heart's not his own anymore.
What can I say besides HALLELUJAH?!?!?!?
So that's that.
Less than 6 hours until Love Tent UCR!
Less than 10 hours until Love Tent UCSD!
God, shake what can be shaken!
Let the world see Your zealous love for us, jealous God!
I'm so in love with You.
Jesus, I'm going to write a Valentine's card for You.
You WOW me, come be the fire inside of me.
Be my forever valentine, my Lord.
ps. I don't know how to answer your question, Jennifer, but I guess King David epitomises the man who is in the worship mode 24/7:
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me.
Because He is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure...
You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
-Psalm 16:7~11-
Don't know whether it makes much sense, and I bet there are verses that better depict the idea of being in a constant worship mode. I would say Daniel's another example. I'll definitely write more on this since that's the cry of my heart right now.
amen bro, i was just talking about this type of prayer movement with Joy last night. people just suddenly rise up and pray in a group of non-believers. anywhere, anytime. its a movement. don't know if this makes sense, but i'll talk to you when you're back.