Didn't Realize I've Got So Much To Talk About!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
By johnny
Today I had a chance to talk with my Gan-Ma(god-mother) over the phone. She was hanging out with Annie and Judie. I haven't seen her for a VERY LONG time(definitely more than 5 years)! But knowing that she's totally radical about Jesus, I'm totally overjoyed! She's been living in Ottawa( I think) for quite a long time in this little French town(!!!!!!!I wanna go vist!!!!!!). Great to have talked to her!
I spent quite a lot of time doing some audio interface researches since there were sales today online for music instruments and all. Learned some more about putting a home studio together, pretty cool(and pricy). I'd say I would spend at least $5,000 on my recording studio! However, I don't even have $500 lol....so I guess it's a step by step work. Hopefully by spring break I'll be able to have an audio interface to doodle with along with my Macbook beauty. Thank You Lord, I really desire to have a keyboard/midi controller to go along with the audio interface. I want to learn more about self recording. Lord would You let me connect with those professional sound engineers on campus!
I'm considering to minor in Interdisciplinary Computing in the Arts (ICAM) to learn more about music and electronic music. I've just started to work on Get Connected remix(just the tracks without the vocal) and we'll see how that would come out. Hopefully I'll be able to at least have the basic structure of the song planned out by the end of March. Gotta squeeeeeeeze some time for that.
Anyhow, I dragged Alex to bible study simply because 1) I wanted to go out and get some air and 2) I want Alex to go to some fellowship and focus on God for a while. I love Alex, he's a really awesome person--just always chillin' and upbeat and encouraging. He went to the baptist church in Alhambra and he's not been to church since he got to UCSD. Keeping him in my prayers.

I needa go get some sleep so I'm just going to share some goodies from Genesis:
Chpter 24 - Issac's wife Rebekah
Go read this crazy story yourself. I want my wife to be chosen like that--totally by God. I mean, Issac's papa Abraham even asked this servant to SWEAR that the wife of Issac would not be from the land of Cannan--his request was THAT specific. And God did it. One really cheezy scene: Issac met Rebekah at a field in the evening(pretty darn romatic right there, Lord). God I pray that my parents are constantly praying for my future spouse and You would just use some crazy ways to let us meet!

Chapter 25 - Jacob & Esau
Y'all know this famous story. I'm still a bit confused about why God would pick Jacob over Esau--or Abel over Cain(Gen 4). I think there are two reasons why these two(Jacob & Abel) were chosen by God: 1) God's will(mostly in Abel's case) and 2) The desire(mostly in Jacob's case). Our desire to get that birthright--the heavenly identity--would totally shake the heavens and actually change God's heart. God looks at our hearts, eh? Then He would definitely give us no less than what we desire; never more will he give unless the desire is unbearable: to exchange all the blessings from heaven with some freakin' stew. Jacob you surely are something--just like your mother: the secret commander of all who would do anything she can to get the blessings for Jacob. We need parents who would do anything they can to get the blessings even though the blessings are meant for others. You might feel like, "what the...that's totally stealing!" But you also need to see how much Esau valued his birthright: a bowl of spammy stew(yew..(they rhyme!)). So there you have it: the desire in your heart would have a HUGE effect to your blessings in the days to come--it might even change your destiny!

Chapter 26 - Like father, like son
The same king was not very smart at all since he was fooled TWICE by the father Abraham and the son Issac about their wives as their sisters. I've got not much to say about this chapter besides King Abimelech, you need to go see a doctor. You just got owned, again, with the exactly same trick. *snap*

Chapter 27 - Hairy = Good?
Um....I'm not a hairy guy at all. I would say yes, though, after reading through how Jacob tricked his dad Issac to think that he's actually Esau to steal that blessing away from Esau--by putting on some fake hair all over his body. Man, was Esau a red monkey or what(ch 25)? Anyhow, that's not important. What's important is that Jacob REALZED what the blessings meant and took his chances. And he did it with some fake hair stuck on his smooth skin! Was Jacob sweating when he was lying to his father? lol....just a thought.

Anyhow, the conclusions are:
1) We gotta have parents who are praying for us constantly--you will totally receive crazy blessings when you've got your father and mother praying over you--inevitable blessings, that is.
2) We gotta increase your desire and see what God sees! We gotta be like Jacob who would sacrifice a little in order to get that grand prize!
3) God wouldn't increase His blessings for us unless we first increase our desire.
4) Be hairy(optional)

Lord I thank You and I love You
Reading Your words is so much fun!


ps. The impact God has brought through the Love Tent to this community is immeasurable: people's hearts are being stirred up for no reason and they feel the love and warmth when they entered into the chamber of love!
pps. What I want to see happen on the UCSD campus for next quarter is this: believers would start performing signs and wonders in power and in faith and calling forth massive conversion through these miraculous testimonies! That's what I want to see. I'm still praying about it for some specific numbers or events, or maybe I'm wrong. But I want to see this school completely transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
ppps. Woah, I just checked my email for no specific reason, and guess what I got?
From Brian: Dear Passion Church friends, We are having Carol and Bill Dew share and minister to us on the 20th this month. They train God's warriors to know how to heal the sick, not only in a church setting, but out there on the street, on campuses, even in supermarket. The way they train is simple and powerful. Come and receive more training so you can have more boldness and confidence in praying for the sick, getting results and bringing in the lost who need to be healed. You can bring the sick to receive prayer.
Duddddddde! I just finished typing my "pps" and then I received this email XD.....what the...Alright, Lord, if this is what You're speaking to my heart, please give me 2 confirmations tomorrow about seeing signs and wonders all over campus, and I will go to this meeting on Wed night instead of Intervarsity! I mean, I've gone through 3 city invasion trainings already, but I think this one might be something different, who knows?

Jesus You're awesome! I'm raising my expectations of You daily!

pppps. Go check out Jaeson Ma's blog about crazy revival in Taiwan!!
ppppps. This thought just crossed my mind and I'm going to give it a try for the entire day tomorrow: I will not talk to anyone and simply pray in tongue for 12 hours straight starting the moment I wake up! Let's see what God can do with this. I don't know whether this is gonna do anything, but I've been lacking some praying in tongue time anyways! I'm excited!


February 19, 2008 4:34 AM Sarah Wang

I want people to come train us Riverside peeps too!!!
Keep dreaming big for your campus! We're dreaming big for our campus too! :) Add oil johnny boy!

Ps. when is your mommy coming??


February 19, 2008 5:35 PM jasypants

OOH OH OHHOUAVHFBGFV oh. nice. grandma<3 ^^ ..well my new URL is www.serenecatalyst.blogspot.com not www.laughatjas.blogspot.com anymore. [:

February 19, 2008 9:18 PM Stephineeee

give us LBeachers some pointers for campus revival. i feel like we really need to step up our game, but we're not doing anything. any suggestions on how to start?


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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