I Just Want To Sing to Him!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
By johnny
Woke up.
Took my computer science midterm.
It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
Praise the Lord!

Went to library walk and found out that today was Darwin's birthday. And many of the "evolutionists" were handing out free stickers that has a Jesus Fish with two legs and says "I support science". Totally wrong there. Anyhow Eddie was talking with one of them, and I was just on the side observing. Then the head of this club "Adult Thought", a physics professor, Fred, started to come up to me and we had this conversation. He basically ONLY tackled on the creation of the world and how it's impossible that the world was created 6,000 some years ago(I really don't know how long ago since I wasn't there!), and how there was no "scientific evidence" that there was this man Jesus 2,000 years ago and this town Bethlehem is nowhere to be found today. Man I feel so sad for this professor. And I'm right now in complete anger toward that disgusting snake. Basically the name Adult Thought comes from the fake story about Santa Claus and how people believe in Santa Claus when they were young and when they grew up, they believe in God instead of Santa. That's why the club is called "Adult Thought"--that Christians have not grown up. God I ask that You shake this club and even show up during their club meetings and shift their views toward you! I ask for a complete victory of Jesus Christ in that club!

Tomorrow night at 7 there will be a huge debate: Are There Good Reasons to Believe in the Physical Resurrection of Jesus? It's going to be awesome. This graduate student John, totally fired up for the Lord, is facing another grad student from Adult Thought. I'll give y'all more updates tomorrow night. God's moving!!!!!!

Anyhow, today I also met people from Dream Center Atlanta! A group of 9 people going to crazy for God traveling all around the states and Mexico serving people. They are amazed at God's work here at UCSD! It was great to know them and encouraged to see so many soldiers fighting the fight in other regions too. Thank You Lord.

Less than 36 hours until Love Tent.
I'm totally pumped.

I missed the most part of YOPP tonight for I was at the last session of my music seminar. We listened to some music and also talked about the future of electronic music. We also watched how this artist Will.I.Am wrote a song and made a music video and posted on YouTube, just a week ago, based on Obama's speech the week before to support Barack. The song is called YES WE CAN. It's crazy how media spreads and how easy it is to promote something/one by simply making a video and post it on YouTube. We gotta really start grabbing unto this advantage of free promotion and blast YouTube with testimonies of Jesus Christ! Just use a webcam and record like Shinny did! It's only been a week since the Obama vidoo was out, yet it's viewed more than 4,000,000 times! We gotta utilize media to make Him known. And blogging is an easy first step. I got to know this guy in my class, Kenny, a bit more and I hope to hang out with him sometime and jam together if possible. He plays guitar and has been playing with Garage Band, also an amateur. So I'm looking forward to get to know him. Sweeeet.

I called Brian Cheung up tonight just to check up on him and he's doing splendid. I also shared with him about my life and how I am in need of a breakthrough. We shared a bit and then a thought came to my mind.

"Hey, do you think I...."
My phone went dead. Low battery.
God's got His own timing.

Johnny, do you worship me constantly?

I believe that was Him talking.

Are you constantly in a worship mode?

That just hit me. Hard.

I'm not gonna expand on this since there's nothing more to this besides to just DO It. God once again reminded me to be in my worship mode constantly. If I'm not in a constant worship mode, it would be hard for me to have a breakthrough. That totally just made me think about what Jeff said last night, "I just want to SING to Him forever!" Oh my Lord, my God, I come before Your throne with sacrifice--my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Please take all of me for I want to ceaselessly worship You.

This is my conviction:
To love and worship Him.

Jeff came to my suite today and met all these cool suitemates. I also played my songs to him cuz he was curious. I was surprised how much my voice has changed during my senior year! I recorded Blake Song the summer after my junior year and the rest two songs before graduation. My voice has really matured quite a lot. Jeff wasn't recognizing my voice when he listened to Blake Song! And it wasn't until he mentioned how different my voice is now from a year and half ago that I paid attention to the maturity of my voice. Crazy stuff. I love singing to the Lord. Just so good. Thank You Lord for making me and shaping my voice this way even though I don't think it sounds good since I'm not used to listening to my own voice =)

Anyhow, that's that and tomorrow's going to be super exciting. I don't know what's going to happen, but I know something is about to rumble. Totally. Thank You Lord.

Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.
-Hebrews 10:11~12-

I Love You Jesus.


ps. my left knee's slowly healing since I can't stop using my knee when I walk. Thank y'all for the prayers and support. I definitely need more of that!

pps. I've got a draft dur tomorrow at 4. I better get some rest now...


February 13, 2008 9:04 PM Cheezy

Love your attitude on worship. God's been speaking to me a bit about worship too except he says, "Worship Me." It always takes me aback because the way my human mind interprets that would be arrogant and egocentric. Two traits that does not fit into God's characteristic so it has to be something else...but what? I ask him, "How?" but I don't recall him giving me exact instructions. Even now, I don't know how. Sure i can sing and twirl around but when he says, "do you worship me constantly" what do you do about that? You rejoice and say, "yes, this is what I have to do. Thank you for reminding me. Now I will have to be in 'worship mode' all the time, or try too." Well, you seem like you know what you're doing. So tell me how. I remotely remember Jack preaching about this but atlas, I still don't get it. What is worship mode 24/7? How do you do it, and how are you DOING it? I have a feeling the answer is going to be ridiculously simple and obvious but tell me anyways.


February 13, 2008 10:54 PM Anonymous

well well...

try not to press on your knee too hard. God, heal johnny please! yes. now. i meant now. may Your Kingdome come over his knee in the name of Jesus. amen!

no worry about your paper. spend time worshiping God while editing the paper away. You'll get there.

love ya & miss ya,

March 09, 2008 10:38 PM Unknown
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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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