Not really truck-loaded, but quite a bit...
I've got to start this group project tomorrow due Wed
and study for my math midterm on Wednesday night.
So that's about my life before me besides encountering God!
I really don't wanna share much today. Giving myself a little break and give all the faithful readers a break too from all my yapping and yopping(got the pun?...YOPPing)....
Got prophesied over by Pastor Liu(right? is that his last name?). He is such a man of prayer that he actually saw Jesus!! Just imagine how much time he's been spending on prayers!
Anyhow he said these things over me:
1. A wall of bamboo has been cut down by God--many worries and troubles are dealted with by the Lord in my life (aka driver's licence...etc.)
2. Playing video game before God like a kid (Try to do less the useless things aka hanging out with j/k...aka surfing online mindlessly, I think. I've been doing that quite a bit eh...thank You Lord for Your reminder!).
3. God would bless me in my school work and help me through studying (this is a complete AMEN. Lord I reall do need Your help and guidance!).
4. Potential. God will take me to a place where I can ever imagine and put me in a position that's beyond my imagination.
5. A positive influence & a model for those around me (that's my prayer too, thank You Lord).
Pastor David was on the dot with his kingdom-building message:
.com / .gov / .edu
Three areas that Jesus' gonna reign and rule and take control over when He comes. And we gonna start building the kingdom on the rock so that when He comes, He can take what we've built and perfect them during the 1,000 years when the heavens meet earth.
It was more than a joy to hang out with our beloved Mark and Debbie Hendrickson yet again. They are still rolling and rocking all over the nation and the globe! I love them! They came to San Diego to visit some friends and will be leaving Tuesday for KC. So Jack, Annie, and I went to downtown San Diego and hang out with them over dinner. Hanging out with them is's too hard to describe in words, for real. I feel really peaceful and calm and filled by the Spirit when I hang out with these two amazing, AMAZING, anointed servants of the Lord. It's like when I hang out with them, the storms within me are suddenly calmed. I'm just so blessed to have known them. Thanks Annie for your connection with Luke! Mark shared yet again so many heart-felt stories & testimonies that totally stirred our hearts up, and I was so encouraged simply by sharing with them a little of my life and hearing from them some more stories! During dinner I was just thinking how I should write about our meeting tonight on my blog, and this is my answer: I don't know how.
I simply cannot put the meeting tonight in words. Sometime you just have this amazing meeting yet you can't put it in words? Ya, that's one of those. Being with them, I can feel the presence of the Lord right there. And before we parted, Mark prayed blessings over us, and I started to tear up without no reason but to feel the peace in Mark's voice.
This is from Mark to those who went to summer camp: Do you still remember about the on-ramps?
Since the end of August, what are some of your personal on-ramps onto the highway of the Lord? Please be ready to share during that weekend about the on-ramps that you've used to bring comfort, peace, joy. What are the things that tenderize your heart and bring tears to your eyes? Be prepared to share!!
****MUST READ****
So Mark & Debbie(and hopefully the rest of the family--Luke, John, and Lydia) will be here during the first weekend of April! I am super excited to have them come back and share, encourage, and impart some of those oil anointing to us! Lord I really want the walk with an aura of Your Holy Spirit around me!
I'm still overwhelmed. God You're amazing.
Impact's so blessed to know the Hendricksons!
Jesus I love You.
Thank You for showing up today,
and thank Your for Mark & Debbie!
ps. I lost my green highlighter.
Did someone pick it up at church today?
pps. I just found out that I have another draft due March 5, a week from Wednesday. I don't know why but I've never seen such a prompt in my entire life.....what can I say....oh well....I really need to get some reading done and stuff.....please pray for my studying!
ppps. I love how Jesus deal with our troubles:
Two blind men were yelling and crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!" I mean, Jesus stopped (which was awesome). Yet this is what He said to them:
"What do you want me to do for you?"--in other words...
"eeeeehhhhh,....mmm...what's up, doc? (carrot cracks)"
Jesus has done this so many times--to ask those who are desperate to be sure of what they need EXACTLY. He's not trying to make fun of those two blind men or play deaf with them. He's testing the level of their faith by asking them "What can I do for you? You asked me to have mercy on you but what is it that you would like me to do?"
That's what Jesus would ask you when you cry out for help.
"Lord, we want our sight," they answered
-Matthew 20:29~34-
What exactly do you want from Him?
If you believe, you will receive
WHATEVER you ask for in prayer.
-Matthew 21:22-
Hold on to His unfailing promise and believe that miracles and divine encounters WILL happen around you!
For many are invited, but few are chosen.
-Matthew 22:14-
Go read the parable.
Have you not read what God said to you,
"I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob"?
He is not the God of the dead but of the living.
-Matthew 22:32-
Just thought this is very true and interesting.
We are going to live forever!
The law that is superior than the 10 commandments-
-Matthew 22:37~40-
You all know this. But I'm really trying to hold on to this as the basis of EVERYTHING I do. Lord help me to walk in Love!
Prophecy + Mark & Debbie!
omg...johnny..u write wayyyy more than jennifer does = =|||||| and soooo many colors.....oh my eyes..
i would like to know more about Jacob's ladder as well..i remember Julie Meyer she had a prophetic dream of Jacob's her dream, the ladder was made of pearl, which symbolizes purity. pretty much that's all i remembered = =|||
anyways...i just pray that
God's wisdom and revelation will be released on you ^^
go go johhniii~!!
Wow. You guys are so lucky! I want to see Mark and Debbie again. I want to hear their stories! x___x Oh maan. Yea, I'm going to start doing what Pastor David. Wake up at 5am to 6am soon. I dont think it'll be a problem though. I can do it! God will help me! ^_^ You have a lot to do. I'll pray for you. =]