Alright. Three big things on the snake head:
1. School's newspaper today: Price Center at Heart of Speech Debate.
I'll bring back a copy of my school's newpaper to Impact. I don't know what God's doing but something massive is happenning on this campus. And all we did was pray and preach. Nothing more. For three years Eddie has been praying on this campus, and this totally biased news article is almost directly denouncing us, the "certain religious group". We're the only "group" mentioned in the article, isn't that something? And if we didn't start preaching in public, no one would even care about the Free Speech policy. Right now the new policy is being written and the next meeting of the committee of the University Center will be on Feb. 14! The day of the Love Tent! This is totally crazy. We're one week until Love Tent and so many things are popping up! And this is totally God's answer to Jon and my prayer(and many others) Wed night on the snake head--to let us know what God's doing and to be close to His heart like David! O God please do not stop Your miraculous work. For we are just seven people praying for revival, You've blasted Your Spirit all over the campus!
2. Mitt Romney dropped out from the race.
This is insane! We were praying on the snake head and suddenly Gordon got a text saying that Mitt Romney dropped out from the presidential race! That is totally insane! The prayers all over the country for this election are definitely playing a huge part in Romney's suspension. Keep on praying, prayers. McCain v. Huckabee. Should be an easy decision. An awesome brother from 24/7 shared why he's for Huckabee:
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
-Deut 30:19-
Choose life...I suddenly knew what that meant...I am to vote to choose life! We are to choose life, and choose to obey God. Does my candidate choose life? I know some would rather have it that way, but express a womans right to choose is more important.
In reply to Obama being Christian, I have my doubts. He has been a practicing Christian (and all I mean by that is he's been going to church) for two years. But all that aside, he is pro-choice, and that is the biggest reason I cannot vote for him. In truth I would be willing to vote either democrat or republican...but all the democrats have pro-choice stances, which immediately ruled them out for me.
Let me elaborate a little on why this abortion is so critical that as believers we should judge every candidate on this issue:
More human life has been destroyed since 1973 by abortion (49,619,100) than the number of people that have died in the holocaust (estimated between 5-6 million), the Vietnam war (58,209 US, 5.6 million over all - I added them, you can check my math if you want to) and world war I (9.9 million - allied: 5,525,000, axis: 4,386,000).
running tally (I'm going to round up):
6 million holocaust
6 million vietnam war
10 million world war I
22 million (above) vs. 49.6 million (abortion)
50 million is the number of total dead on the allied side (civilian and military) for World War II.
Let me just say that this is innocent blood on our hands that God will require an accounting for. Proverbs 6:16-17 says that God hates "hands that shed innocent blood." 49, almost 50 million, I heard it said that it would have made up a third of our generation (no source).
These fetuses are not even killed "humanely" (google abortion) meaning we euthanize our lab animals, and we have ethics policies (I've worked in a mouse lab) to protect them, but destroying fetuses doesn't even come close to how we treat our animals...only recently has there been an option for pregnant women to have their fetuses anesthetized before they are destroyed.
Even within a completely safe margin of error, you can not deny how staggering these numbers are...this is not even including the rest of the world. Abortion has to end, and we as believers MUST elect a president who will fight hard to end it.
Here are my sources:
Yeah, and that's the reason I'm supporting Huckabee also. The blood is in our hands if we are not supporting the candidates that are Pro-Life(only Huckabee is right now). God would You awaken Your church and let them see and hear! Lord whoever You have in mind, please reveal Your heart to us! I really do pray that Romney would endorse Huckabee with his 271 delegates!
3. Revival burst out from Chapman University
Sarah texted Eddie that a revival has started in Chapman Univ. with just a couple people praying for the school, laying their lives down for the sake of God's presence. I can feel that right here at UCSD. God I ask that You will keep on bringing us into new territories of the enemy so that we can go into the core of the snake and crush its head! If we do not fight, we will never have a chance to win. If we fight in the name of Jesus, we win. College students, it's time for you to start praying for your campus. Whether you are called to pray or not, you are OBLIGATED to PRAY for YOUR CAMPUS for the sake of Christ. Like Sarah wrote in her blog: "Has anyone been praying for a revival? Has anyone WEEP for a revival?"
That's what we gotta do. Cry out. And before you know it, BOOM! All these three things were not expected. Yet they all happened on the same day. Woah. God Your timing is always perfect. I love You!
After music seminar I went and ate w/ Jeff and hung out. Man I really enjoy hanging out with him cuz his heart's burning with desire! Totally crazy dude right here. I ate so much: Ciabatta Steak Sandwich + Cream Puff. So full right now. Anyhow, I shared with him about what happened this morning and told him about the snake path. He's never been to the snake path! I told him about Genesis 3 and how it is depicted right there on our campus. He told me that he read my blog about it and was totally amazed by it. I'll make sure to take him up there and tell him more about how he can start praying for this school too! Then I told him a bit history of the fallen angel Lucifer = Satan = Snake. He was fascinated by that also. I can't tell you how encouraged I am when I read Jeff's blog today. He's got this unstoppable passion for Christ that I really cannot explain!
That was some crazy day.
Other crazy stuff happened yesterday & today:
1. Over 50 tornadoes were formed in one night in Tennesee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Alabama. Many people were injured and some found dead. These huge natural disasters are crazy. Tornadoes don't usually occur in early February. God's got His hand in this. More and more signs are telling us that He's coming very soon.
2. Huge gun fight in Los Angeles and St. Louis, MI. At least 11 were dead. Crazy.
Only Your blood can wash away all sins of this nation, Jesus.
Church, start praying for Saturday's primary for Republican: Kansas, Louisiana, Washington; Democrats: Louisiana, Nebraska, Washinton, Maine(Sunday). Pray for an unexpected result and God's hand moving!
ps. I spent over two hours studying head is now full of integrals....ugh.
pps. 9 million Californian voters voted on Feb 5 primary! A record breaker! 41% of voters voted--a 10% boost from 2004's 6.6 million! Praise the Lord!
how's SD Love Tent coming along?