HEALED Heart, Wrist, Bruise, and Fever!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
By johnny
Did I miss out something? Anyhow, I believe God's really doing something amazing and demonstrating His power to His beloved ones. Get ready to be ROCKED!

1. Heart Burn - Last night I was at church doing s'more cleaning up and setting up with Jack, Aaron, Enoch, and Eric. And at around 2:30am, Aaron started to have some heartburn - due to his addiction to coffee, of course. He told me that he usually takes pills, but he ran out of pills. I flat out said to him, "you don't need any pills dude, you just need a good dose of the Holy Spirit!" So we sat down and I put my hands on his chest and his back, as soon as I did that, I felt the presence of God right there and I knew that God was healing Aaron from heartburn problems. And he knew that God wanted to deal with his heartburn problems!
After the prayer, of course, HE'S HEALED!!!! NO MORE PAIN and HEARTBURN!!!! Come on, give God praise!!!!

2. Wrist - Yesterday I was on my way back home from San Diego. Out of nowhere my left wrist started to hurt tremendously and I couldn't recall that I hurt my wrist since my both my wrists were in relaxed position. I didn't think much but I knew that Lord was telling me that someone's wrist is hurting.
A minute laster, Peter, sitting next to me, got a phone call from Grace Shan telling him that she fell out of her top bunk and right now she couldn't move her right wrist! Praise the Lord! There's the wrist over the phone! So immediately I took the phone over and started to pray for Grace. After about a minute of praying, I asked her to check whether she felt better, and she said, "yeah I can move my wrist now and it doesn't hurt as much now!!!" I was overjoyed! After praying for healing again, she said she felt even better!
So today during City Invasion Grace joined my group so I got to pray for the healing of her wrist just another 4 more times =).... and after tonight's meeting I got to pray for her wrist for another 2 times, and every time I prayed for her I felt this heat all around her wrist! And guess what? HER WRIST IS COMPLETELY HEALED! I even hit her wrist (not to hurt her but to test it out! And she didn't feel any pain at all!!) PRAISE THE LORD!

3. Bruise - Last night at church I felt this tingling pain by my collar bone but no one at church had problems with collar bone (praise God for that!). And tonight, right before she left, Grace Shan (yes, she again!) told me that she needs healing prayer for a bruise around her collar bone! Gosh, she sure knows how to get hurt =)! So I basically said, "Jesus, heal, Jesus," and laid my hand upon her bruise which has a medical pad over it. My hand felt so hot during the prayer! I just believed that the Lord has healed her! She felt SO MUCH BETTER after the first prayer and she said the pain has gone down to 5%! So I prayed for her again, and after the second prayer, SHE COULDN'T FEEL ANY PAIN ANYMORE!!! Come on! She got her wrist and bruise healed in the Name of Jesus =)

4. Fever - In the middle of tonight's meeting, Grace Shan came to tell me that she'll be leaving soon with Peter & another Grace because that Grace is having fever. So I went over and asked to pray for Grace (not Shan, but her friend whose name is also Grace!). We went out and sat by the hang-out area and she told me that her head was not feeling well in the afternoon during City Invasion, but it got worse during tonight's meeting. She could not even focus. So I laid my hand on her shoulder and just waited on God for a couple seconds, and after the prayer she told me that she felt heat all around her, especially before I started praying and she felt so much better!!! After that I prayed for her again, and she said full of joy, "I felt so much lighter and burden-free! And I can focus now!!" PRAISE GOD!!
So after the meeting she told me that after I prayed for her and she went back to her seat, the pain started to grow back and it got even worse! And she went up to Pastor Mike for prayer and after he prayed for her, THE PAIN LEFT HER COMPLETELY!!!! Lord You are awesome!!!

Lord, I thank You for what You're doing and what You have done during the past 24 hours. You are a miraculous God who performs signs that make the world wonder. Lord, I desire to see more miracles and healing upon this land and wherever I go! You are a good God and this is a happy church!

Now this is what it looks like when Heaven's all around!



October 05, 2008 11:36 AM Sarah Wang



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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