There are just so much more to say, but I've got no words to say. Anyhow, after the little yet powerful gathering I asked Brian to pray for me and to impart whatever God has put on him -- signs, wonders, miracles, words of knowledge and wisdom -- upon me. When he was praying for me and putting his hands on my heart, I've got this heat coming in and out of my body in such an overwhelming way!
Last but not least, his daughter is totally on fire! So when she was just 1 year old, Brian gave her drawings of Biblical figures and asked her to find which on is Jesus. She has never seen Jesus' depiction in a book, but soon she pointed at Jesus in the book correctly!
"You've seen Jesus before?" Brian asked.
She nodded. "Every night."
She has been seeing Jesus on a NIGHTLY BASIS in her room!
That girl's tapped into the spiritual realm! And I get to meet her soon!
Just a few months ago she laid hand on a little girl who had asthma so severely that she could not even go outdoor! Brian asked her to pray for that girl, and she simply reached out her hand and said, "Jesus, heal. Amen." Then she rand away giggling with her doll (isn't that adorable?)! Brian was going to "finish" praying for the girl, but he felt heat coming out of that girl while his hand was inches away from her! And right then he knew that God set her free from asthma! And guess what? It's been 4 months and the girl has been playing outdoor for hours without any asthma! Praise the Lord!
There are just too much to say. Ask me more about it.
Something's about to explode soon @ UCSD. I can feel it.
By the way, here's Brian's blog.
Some more good words by Kris Vallotton. Man I just can't get enough of it!
It's from Bethel's sermon of the week called A GLORIOUS PEOPLE.
If you see Jesus, then you become more like Him.
If you don't see Jesus, then He becomes more like you.
......that's good word right there.....whatever...
-Kris Vallotton
If you don't see Jesus, then He becomes more like you.
......that's good word right there.....whatever...
-Kris Vallotton
That's really some good word. We oughta look like Jesus! He's our identical twin for eternity! If we see Him in the mirror, then we become more like Him, and if we don't, then the person in the mirror, who should have been Jesus, would turn out to look like ourselves.
Get it? Good stuff right there.
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