The Worst Things...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
By johnny
...came right after the Aaron's-staff-turning-into-snake miracle.

The Plagues of...
Gnats (what on earth is that?)
on Livestock
Hail (in Egypt....nnice)
Darkness (this is a crazy one)
on the Firstborn

When I read through these plagues that fall upon Egypt before the Israelites left for Cannan, I cannot asking myself, "Where are the Israelites? Are they rejoicing or what?"

I bet they were scared to death because just moments ago they were blaming Moses and Aaron on their persecution and extra workload as slaves because there is a GOD who told MOSES to come and RESCUE them! Woohoo! How great, ya?

"I didn't recall that we want to be rescued," one of those Israelites was definitely thinking about it as the 10 plagues were ceaselessly falling upon Egypt. That makes me laugh.

Lord, have mercy upon the land of America as we cry out, "Let my people go!" to the kings and rulers of this nation. Jesus would You extend Your arms of love and blood of grace upon this land that no plagues shall enter because You have redeemed us from them.


I can't believe I listened to 2 Kris Vallotton's sharing in one day! They are "Love Suffers Long" & "A New Moral Revolution". Man every time I listen to his message or Bill's, I get all worked up and pumped and encouraged! I've been speaking to my inner man and get rid of my spirit of stupid and pump in some gas and raise the bar for the gauge. JOHNNY, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!

"I know!" - inner Johnny



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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