11am - 12pm
JHOP brought all of their equipments and all the stuff over to PC and it took us a little while to set up the sound and make sure that everything works. We setup a table full of PROP 4 & PROP 8 & The Call fliers; also there were facts about humanism and also Obama's Stand on abortion. Anyhow, I was testing one of the microphones and I actually shared a healing testimony and encouraged people there to come over for prayers. As I was sharing, Jake Hamilton & people from Refuge House of Prayer got there. They came all the way from Rancho Cucamonga just to give us support and love and prayers. So Jake started to worship while many of us were spread all over the plaza praying and worshiping and asking His presence to fall immensely. During the three or fours songs, the atmosphere was really shifting and changing, even though there were some people booing in between the songs. At around 12ish, God's presence was real thick right then. And we shifted gear.12pm - 1pm
The main thing that YOPP (the fellowship I'm involved in) has been pounding on is the message of LIFE -- asking the blood of Jesus to wash away our sins and the sins of America; moreover, to end abortion and send revival to this land. So from 12ish to almost 1pm, we played recordings of CNN, FOX news, and media interviews of Barack Obama regarding to the issue of abortion in the Unite States. Obama, throughout his career, has stood up for the women's right to choose.... "Obama will make safeguarding women's rights under Roe v. Wade a priority. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn that decision." - from his own campaign booklet. I got the quote from OnTheIssues.org.We blasted the entire Price Center with his pro-choice stand and especially his quote: "I don't want them to be punished with a baby." Over and over again we played the same interviews and we drawn more and more people to our table by the stage. Many were ticked off, and some cussed at us. And some got into deeper conversations with us. Here's the video of him saying that back in March:
All of us were praying that truth would break in. We didn't even preach about Jesus at all but we were just pressing in and challenge what the "majority" believe in.
1pm - 2pm
Just about 5 minutes before 1pm, when we were still playing Obama's interviews, 2 administrators, a man and a woman, came to the stage and talked to us. Basically they were trying to shut us down from playing what we were playing for over 40 minutes. "It's about the message." the gentleman said as soon as he came over. They also used unreasonable excuses to shut us down such as: you said you are only doing singing and nothing else, so playing this is not on what you wrote to us. The ladie even said, "I don't care what you play as long as you tell us exactly what you are going to do." Wait a minute, I thought the man said it's about the message, and now she's telling us that she does not care what we play? There's your contradiction right there, UCSD.Wait....I thought there is such thing called FREEDOM of SPEECH? Oh...wait....I guess not on UCSD campus? Wait.... If Penn State University's ENTIRE CAMPUS is free-speech zone, then why isn't UCSD? It is, after all, a public university.
Like Eddie said to us after they left, "it's the enemy's manifestation because God's presence is so strong." Then Eddie's eyes started to feel weird and he couldn't focus for over 20 minutes. We all prayed for him and declare victory over Eddie and the enemy shall leave in the presence of the Lord.
So Jake started to worship in the spirit and prophesy over this campus with spontaneous worship for the rest of our time there. It was beautiful. I also got to pray for two people on crutches during that 3-hour period and both of them felt better! God really was there!! Throughout our time there, so many people came up to us and either trying to shut us down or start a debate or even a fight. We were shifting to atmosphere with praise and worship, and truth was piercing into people's hearts and minds. We can never take the defensive side, and Jesus never has and He never will. Then let's just keep on pressing in. Guess when our next time @ Price Center will be?
NOVEMBER 4, 2008.
Yes, the election day.
God really set that up for us.Yes, the election day.
Hundreds will be at price center lining up to vote and we got to war against the enemy with open-air worship and open-heaven invitation! The atmosphere shall be shifted and people would be drawn to the presence of God!
Lord, I ask for a spirit of truth to break into people's minds as they vote that without any reason they would vote yes on PROP 4 & PROP 8 for family and for life!
If you are on your university campus and want to preach the truth, just go and do it. I'm backing you up with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Authority on university campuses are meant to be challenged especially with speaking about the Truth. It's war down here in San Diego, what about your campus? Let me tell you, peace is not going to happen until Jesus comes, so you better find yourself in battles right now. And if you are persistent enough to read up to this sentence, I hope you are inspired by what is going on here @ UCSD. People might go to court for this. Even jail. This is a crucial time for my campus and I believe God's waiting for people to see what's really going on and to stand in the gap for His Name's sake.
Please pray for me. I've had a sore throat for a day and I've been sneezing every 30 seconds and I've got this unstoppable running nose. I'm not feeling well and I need all the prayers I can get for healing! Lord, have victory over my physical body!
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