Four important men in David's early life:
Samuel: anoints David with oil. without God's appointment for Samuel to visit Bethlehem, David would not go from zero to hero.
Saul: loves David's music because evil spirit flees from it. however after David killed that thingering 9-foot-tall alien, Saul gets all messed up and tries to kill David many times when he was playing his Holy Spirit music.
Goliath: his death makes David the most famous kid in the Bible. what is your personal Goliath, little David wannabes? everyone must have their own Valley of Elah within.
Jonathan: David's best friend who saved his life from Saul, who tries to kill him. it is essential to have a spiritual companion for life to protect and to lift one another up. i think i'm still searching for my Jonathan, or maybe I've found him.
David has always been one of my favorite heroes in the Bible. He is an anointed king, righteous warrior, fervent worshiper, and a faithful shepherd. Moreover, he has fine appearance and handsome features (16:12).
We've talked so much about David and Goliath, but rarely we've experienced the bullseye moment with our first shot like David does. Why does David pick 5 stones when he knows that he is going to kill that monster with just one? 5 is the number of Grace, that's probably one of the reasons why there were 5 smooth stones. David's weakness is made perfect when the Lord enters into the scene. He loves to mess things up in the best way, doesn't He?
Anyhow, it's getting late, but I still want to type for just a little while. Today I went to a huge job fair on campus and just to check out different companies out there in the "real world" and got some basic informations about them and, most importantly, gave myself an idea of what I would like to do as a career when I graduate.I want to keep on searching and poking around and see what is it that I truly love and would like to stick with for the rest of my life.
God wants us to tell him our dreams; on the other hand, He wants to tell us His dreams for us. This mutual thing will definitely cause a reaction and, I believe, give birth to a good fruit. It would be cool to be anointed as king.... I mean, we will reign with Jesus on earth when that day comes anyways!
I was going to comment on that picture first but blogspot wouldn't let me. Thats why I use wordpress sucka. Anyways. I thought the picture was hilarious. How did you find it? And yea. Totally reminds me of Jefferey.
kid kinda reminds me the smile on Jeffrey's face when he does something mischievous.
there ur first! it would not be fun is the big guy collapsed on jeffrey.
yeah stop giving me that "lady first" thing, Tianyi. I know you. muhahaha
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