Once again by Bill Johnson's message - Seeing Through Kingdom's Eyes.
Just testimony after testimony.....dude that Bethel church is like a healing machine that never stops working! And guess what passage Bill used that totally zapped me?
If you haven't read about my dream from the night before, basically from the dream I got MARK chapter 6. And that's the chapter Bill used. I was getting that divine zap when I heard him say "Mark 6".
Bill's message is simple yet profound (just like every other time...duh); however, something zapped me even more. He shared about how the disciples and Jesus went on a boat to have some quiet moments after being sent out in pairs, but people were already gathered by the shore and waiting for their arrival! After they arrived came the famous feeding of the 5,000 men.
Jesus told the disciples to feed them with whatever they've got, and the first thing that amazed me is that the disciples were in 100% obedience. So they did, pass out the fish and bread and in the end collected the leftover with 12 baskets.
After that Jesus told the disciples to row to the other side on the boat; He seemed to purposely forget the "storm" part eh. Jehovah Sneaky =) Jesus ditched them and went up to the mountain to pray (that's always a great excuse...I mean a great thing)! And you know about how Jesus walked on the water and said to the disciples, "It is I, don't be afraid," while those ex-fishermen & others were screaming like little girls seeing ghosts. And when Jesus climbed into the boat the storm died down, and the disciples were amazed!
And here comes the BAM part:
...for they had not understood
about the loaves...
-Mark 6:52-
about the loaves...
-Mark 6:52-
So what was it that Jesus wanted the disciples to understand about the loaves? And this storm was indeed a test of faith and their understanding of the loaves. So here it is:
Jesus wanted them to realize that the bread and fish were multiplied through their hands and not through His!
Should I retype that one more time just because it's THAT AWESOME? (YES!)
Jesus wanted the discples to realize that he never took back the command "You give them something to eat"; moreover, he has given power and authority to the disciples therefore the loaves and fish were actually multiplying as the disciples were passing out the basket!
It's time to see things differently and to understand that God has given us the authority to walk in the prophetic and to tap into the spiritual realm and to draw treasures from heavenly places!
We need to understand about the loaves
in order to stand firm and calm the storms ahead of us.
in order to stand firm and calm the storms ahead of us.
Thanks, Jehovah Sneaky =P
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