Crazily Crazy Day

Sunday, December 16, 2007
By johnny
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4

Nothing can compare is greatness than today. So I was taken back to SD to take my last final exam at 3pm. Enoch took me, along with Momo, MQ, and Joshua(for the ministry meeting was a trip down to SD), and we took a car and got onto I-10 around 12:50. And guess what? W were stuck in traffic until we passed Knott's...which was 2pm already! When we reached Irvine, it was 2:20! So all of them were praying with me and for me and I also called up Garrett to pray for me. I got a bit frustrated so I said, "man I think the jamming wouldn't stop until we rach Irvine..." And immediately Enoch said to me, "don't say that." Thanks to him, I started to change my attitude and started to pray and give praises to Him. at around 2:50 I called one of my classmates and asked her to tell the TA/Prof that I would be late for about 15 minutes. I really hope that I could be there by 2:15 at the latest. Anyhow, I kept on praising Him for all He's done and He was doing right there as we were rushing on I-5 at 90mph(Enoch hit that mark twice and I was like....AHHH!) Anyhow, He's so good that nothing happened on our way to SD--no accidents and no pullovers. And by His mercy I got to my final @ 3:15 and I didn't have any trouble taking the test. That was simply His grace--to let me study just a bit more. I kept on asking God to pour down His favor over us, me especially. The econ final wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, so that was totally sweet. I think I've a good chance of getting a A- in that class! Thank You Jesus! I love Your favor over me! Don't stop!
So the moral of this story is: Southern California drivers do not know how to: 1.merge and 2. step on the gas. God bless them.....errr.
After I finished the test at around 5:20 I called up Jack and found out that 12 of them are at ISLANDS burger and was heading to downtown La Jolla, and would pick me up at 7. So I called up Garrett and asked him whether he wanted to hang out. After finishing packing at around 6, I went to look for Garrett, and on my way I called up Austin, another awesome bother leading the Bible study with Casey. He was just about to leave campus for Bakersfield. So I offered him a prayer that he would spent some time to look back on this year and reflect on what God has done in his life and all. And he also prayed for me that this break is only a pause from school but not from God. Austin's just awesome. So I hung out with Garrett and met two new friends-Brandon and Brian. I mainly just wanted to say bye to Garrett cuz I don't know whether I would see him again before he leaves for Chile in Jan. Before they heaad for all-you-can-eat sushi buffet, I asked him to pray for me. I just realized again that how wonderful it is to have someone pray for me. God You must have given the same feeling that I felt when Garrett prayed for me to all those I've prayed for! Woah. You're indescribable. I am in awe of You.
So that's that.
As I was walking back to Revelle(duh......) I passed by this ATM machine and saw this person on one crutch and a bulky boot on her left foot. I pretended to be in line waiting for her to finish her transaction. So after she was done I said hi and told her that I just finished taking a Saturday final and all I started to ask her what happened to her left foot. This story was simple yet a bit crazy: She went to a party, and after she woke up, her cord on her pinkie toe side was broken. I was like.....WWWWHAT? Yeah that was crazy and she just started to use the boot with one crutches so her leg muscles hurt. So I asked her THE question, and she was cool with it. Before that I asked about her family: she was heading home tonight and spend Christmas with her family. She has 7 siblings and she's the 3rd. So I prayed for her foot's complete healing and a restoration in her relationship within her family, and also pray that she would start making good decisions. She really appreciated my prayer and she's also a believe yet she hasn't been going to church for a couple years. Her name is Nicole, a 4th year at Muir. She's a really cool and chill person with dreadlocks. Anyhow I just encouraged her to think about what it is that she is longing for over this break. I believe that in a week and half, as she told me, that she would be able to get rid of the boot and the crutch! Praise the Lord that He has had me prayed for 3 people who broke their toes--my roommate, Rose, and now Nicole. However I forgot one important thing: to ask her how she felt after the prayer!!!!! Oh Lord I know You've healed her already...should've asked. Oh well, He's Good =)
Just in case that I forgot about some details, I pulled out my cell and started to text out this testimony out! It was fun.
And then I got picked up at around 7:15ish. They all shared with me how good ISLANDS was since I did not eat anything lol....I love you guys. Anyhow, we stopped at McDevil and I got a fish sandwich, a chicken sandwich(the ranch crispy is the best!), 8pc McNuggets, and one apple pie. That was quite a dinner. We then spent about 2.5 hours at church cleaning up the mess and putting the puzzles back together. Good times. Andy, Shin, Sarah, Alice, Enoch, J-you guys are pretty great.
5 minutes ago Jack printer suddenly started to print out something. Yet both Jack and Annie are asleep. So I was this from God?? And when I saw the printed 2 pages, there on them were-----------Annie's house listing......ugh. So I just put that on Annie's desk and sat down, said to God, "it would be really cool if You would talk to me with printed pages at the most random later)". I think God wants me to pray for Annie's listing in Arcadia right now. So that's what I'm going to do before bed. I'm excited for Sunday!

Time to rock the house and rejoice in the LORD!


December 16, 2007 12:23 PM jasypants

You are so crazy, Johnny! But in a good way. lol God has done a lot of amazing things! This morning, right when I said "Jesus" I started smiling & I couldn't stop. x] Then after I finished my prayer, 10 minutes, I believe, I felt so happy. I don't think it's because I finally prayed in the morning, but because I knew that God was going to bless our day today. Amen?! :]]

December 17, 2007 1:11 AM Sarah Wang

"Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon." (Isaiah 58:10)

Thank you for feeding me! Now your light will shine brighter than my Christmas lights!


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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