So today was pretty something else. Besides the fact that I spent the entire morning studying for my CAT final, I felt pretty good and cold...I really don't know why there are "seasons." This is SoCal! What's going on here?!
Anyhow, before the test I went to the cafe and got some breakfast, and on my way to the cafe I saw this costodian Russell whom I prayed for two times before. We chatted a little as he was getting some trash bins up via the elevator. I was very glad to see him. I told him that I was going to a final exam, and he said to me, "I'll be praying for ya." My heart warmed up suddenly since I've been studying for a while and did not really feel anything. We said goodbye and I went on. At the cafe I saw Judy, a sister from BOLSD, getting some food and studying for her finals too. So we chatted for a while as I quickly finished my egg, sausages, potatoes, and a biscuit. Before I left for my room, I was planning to pray for her but I ended up didn't...felt a bit guilty since I was like, "yeah so I gotta go back and get ready for my test," even though praying for her would not affect even a little bit of my studying. And a funny thing was that I saw Russell again as I was on my way back to my dorm! I said hi again. And that was that.
Praise Him for the test today--fairly short and not as hard as I thought it would be! Nevertheless I still couldn't answer some of the short answers and I just prayed that God would pour His favor over me! And I believe that He's been doing that for a long long time!
After the test I felt another burden relieved yet I was a bit worried about tomorrow's Econ final...dumb school that gives out Saturday finals, ugh. But anyhow, as I was walking back to my dorm(yet again...) I saw this lady, a graduate student rather, sitting there alone on the ground. I struggled for 5 seconds and finally decided to go up and ask her THE question: Is there anything that I can pray for you? She said, "oh no no...I'm just sitting here enjoying the sun, and I'm thinking music," in a semi-heavy Japanese accent. So I tried to deepend the chat by asking what music she composes--jazz(no surprise to me since Japanese artists are simply mind-blowing)! Anyhow, she gave her thanks and I went on. I always pass by this constrution site for this physics building that will be completed in next year, and today I saw this construction worker there filling up the mudholes with some dirt. So I started a conversation, thinking that he would be the person I could pray for today. However, just about a minute into our convo a truck arrived so he had to go and do his job. I left, saying to God, "Man, where's that person, God?" As I walked into the big plaza of Revelle, I saw Chanelle, a dormmate whom I met during orientation and I seldom see her, but whenever I saw her we would greet each other. She always has this great smile, at least when I see her. Anyhow, I said hi and we started to talk about finals for a while, and she was just about to head to the library to study for a final later tonight. Anyhow, after the yadee-yadah, I asked her THE question, and she said, "sure!" I was like......sweet God. I prayed for her and ask God's love to fill her up that she would still have the energy when she takes the test. I also told her that I belive God's with her right there and she doesn't have to worry too much. "I believe it too!" she replied. Twas good. So we bother moved on. And I don't know why but I took a detour back to my dorm after the meeting with Chanelle--a path that I usually take when I check mail, but I've already done that. And guess who I saw AGAIN? Yup, Russell the man. I'd say he's well over 60 years old who really has a soft heart, and I can detect that he's often ignored because of how he looks or the way he talks. Anyhow, I knew that I HAD to pray for him since I saw him 3 times in just one day! So we chatted a little about Christmas break and what we're planning to do. I asked him about his throat and his back(I prayed for his healing last time), and he's been feeling better and he can't wait to get some rest during the break! So I offered a prayer for him before break, and I once again prayed for complete healing over his body, mind, and soul. And his family. I felt like he's got some problems with his family yet I didn't ask much about it. I could feel that he loves his family very much though. So I prayed for his family in my heart.
Casey posted a note on facebook--When You Dream, Dream Big!, and it is simply inspiring. God You're going to use Him for Your Kingdom greatly! So I left Him a message of Mark 5:19.
Here's his note hope he won't mind me Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V it! I love the internet! Thank You God!
Hmm, I realize that my previous note needs a reflection. Haha, the more I live life the more I realize that I don't always fully know what it looks like to follow God the way I need to. The way I need to. I realize that I can tend to be one of those Christians that find it too easy to put God into a box. For me, this doesn't entail blocking out the power of prayer, or not seeing God show up, or thinking of my beliefs in an equation format. Basically, what I mean by putting God into a box is not daring to dream big things. Sometimes I forget that usually when He shows up it's not just to get me through the day. It's for something bigger. Something I don't understand. And I find that it can be to easy to forget how BIG my God is. I can see Him moving so perfectly and powerfully in so many areas of my life that I forget to let Him into certain areas of my life. That's dangerous. Usually these are areas that are easier to ignore, or things less noticeable and easily overlooked until it is somehow brought up. Somehow. By His grace. I need to remember the promises that God has. If we were all created to worship and know God, then where do I get off losing hope in God breaking through in some (certain) people's lives? Does their brokeness blind me of the hope God has in them? Do I let it? If God can see past that, and see their beauty, then why do I not always seek after seeing the same thing? What promises do I thirst after seeing fulfilled? I need to find that out first. Although God brings us to places from our past, and the past is something we need to deal with sometimes, I definitely feel that God sometimes calls us to leave the past where it ultimately is. Behind us. So, going into this coming year, what do you want 2008 to look like? What big prayers do you need to pray? What kind of selfless faith do you need to find inside yourself? Where are you finding it hard to trust God? What big dreams do you need to dream? I'm trying to figure that out. And I will.
And that's that--my day until 2pm.
More will be added. Time for bed and dreams!
Jesus You are good. I felt You tonight at the party!