Congratulations to Shin! You're made new again and tied together with Jesus forever with your commitment through baptism. Nice. Welcome to the GodChicks, as Annie said.
I gotta all were fantastic today! We totally did it!
I knew that things would totally get done when the Wang sisters and Jasmine are in charge.
And all those who came over and helped--from decorating to cooking, from scrapbook making to violin playing, or from simply brainstorming to coming over and pray for them. They really loved it and there's really nothing more that would be as sweet as this tonight from all of us.
I mean, they totally deserve a surprise, yea? For those who have been with them since the beginning of Impact Youth back in summer 2004: see how much you've grown-both spiritually and mentally. And how many days have we talked to Jack/Annie over the phone during this past year? J, George, and I were jamming and praying for this surprise party that it would really be a surprise to them. And surely it was! Thanks Jesus, You were there with us shedding tears of happiness! You're a joyful God!
Everyone prayed for them cept those who weren't able to make it. It was all good.
Anyhow, I'll spend more time updating tomorrow. I need to go to bed now so that I can wake up at 7 for my 8am driving test appointment! Please keep me in your prayers. It would be a great Christmas present for myself. Just pray that I would drive safely and get to share God to my instructor. Amen.
God You taste sweet. Really sweet actually. Sweeter than the chocolate cinnamon bread that I ordered online which is totally amazing.
Twas Beautiful
and thanks for praying for me while i get baptized + thx for the bathroom XD
and the surprised dinner was awesome! i wish i was there when they cry, haha -
it was overwhelming...
never in my life time had i thought of such a thing...
big big over the head crazy wild BLESSING to have you all~
we pray that someday your sheep will do the same to you. xoxo,
Kimi wa zettai passu! LMFAO. >.> hmm..