Becoming a Shepherd

Monday, December 31, 2007
By johnny
My sheep wandered over all the mountains
and on every high hill.
They were scattered over the whole earth,
and no one searched or looked for them.
Ezekiel 34:6

My God I just pray that my eyes would see and my ears would hear again Your promise and Your cry for this generation and the next. I feel Your desperate cry through this retreat. God would You please give me Your heart once again! Give me this burden for the next generation, for I was blind about the importance of building up next generation's leaders NOW. When Pastor Andrew started to talk about Elijah and Elisha, Moses and Joshua, Paul and Timothy--leaders and their future apprentices taking over their job after they died/were taken. I felt like I've never had a burden for the next generation: age 5-15. I did not see it. I was selfish in a sense for I've wanted to grow and to receive that double portion blessings/anointing from Jack/Annie. But I've never thought about passing on MY cup to someone STARTING NOW.

I really want to see Impact become the magnet to attract little children, teenagers, and young adults as the entire church walk forward as a united body of Christ. It's simply mind-blowing! I really can't wait for the new place, and I'm just going to pray for this new location until something miraculous happen. God, we Impact people are now speaking the same language, we pray the same prayer; moreover, we know that nothing is impossible. Nothing.

God, give us One heart--Your heart.

We are ready to enter into the new year of uncertainty.
But we know one thing is certain: loads persecution.
I pray for all who went to LTC that they are still faning the flame and not letting this cold world to outcold the fire.

What You desire, we desire, my Shepherd.
I love You!


January 01, 2008 4:44 AM Anonymous

That was extremely encouraging!
Good stuff, bro. Keep it coming. May God continue to give you spirit of wisdom & revelation. May you be filled with His Power, Authority, Wisdom & Love in 2008!

Let's ROCK ON!


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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